Twincast / Podcast Episode #106 McCarthyism
Friday, December 5th, 2014 10:44AM CST
Categories: Site News, Digital Media News, PodcastPosted by: ScottyP Views: 106,782
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Episode #106 "McCarthyism" is available directly and in our RSS Feed and should appear on iTunes and Stitcher Radio within 24 to 48 hours of when you see this news post.
We start out by taking a look at the potentially not as easy to get MP Exhaust and his battle against the forces of Philip Morris and the US Government. Will the Decepticons succeed in driving the cast to chain smoke for the rest of the episode? Or will the Truth campaign prevail? Neither of these things are addressed as we pick apart this tale of when the worlds of legal agreements and import Japanese Masterpiece Transformers collide.
We then take a trip back into the Movieverse and take a look at the awfully tempting paint job of Takara Tomy's AD-31 Armor Knight Optimus Prime. Is this a case of taking advantage of lower costs, or a premium piece that the cast will be avoiding?
You will buy me, or I will kill you.
Generations takes center stage next when we have a chat about the initial Combiner Wars wave now that there are official images from Hasbro of these upcoming toys. Find out who's happy, who's soured, and who just takes things as they are.
Crotch elbows got nothin' on chest shoulders.
In our special topic of sorts for the episode, we take a look at some older toys that have worked their way back into our hearts over the years. What toys have you re-discovered a love for lately? Maybe it's something you didn't appreciate before, or maybe something completely ignored years and years ago. Either way, let us know what kind of Transformers stuff you've either re-discovered or newly discovered recently by replying to this post. It doesn't have to be all about toys either!
Sailing back into your heart, and the world of the living.
We then move on to comics talk (starts at 55:21, skip to 1:22:56 or so to avoid spoilers), first by exploring the return of Shane McCarthy to the Transformers world in this month's Drift: Empire of Stone #1. Does Drift return to bring the fandom its favorite thing? We don't think so, plus, yours truly gets all hypocritical with the artwork given how Regeneration One went, so tune in for that fun and more.
Drift's a dandy guy, doing dandy things, in space.
Then we move on to the latest chapter in the complex space opera landscape of More Than Meets the Eye #35. Has the cast had enough of this time travel business? And what's Brainstorm been up to? Full on spoiler warning continues for this section, so be warned!
Get the getaway car, Counterpunch, he's figured out the show!
On a somber and/or cynical note, we chat about the layoffs at Jagex, the company responsible for the Transformers Universe MMO game that never quite got into the air. Listen in to our compelling discussion as no one is surprised by this turn of events.
A visual representation of hopes for this project.
We then finish off with some Bragging Rights. Prepare to be dazzled by our tens of collective additions!
Lots of Maketoys in this one.
That wraps things up for another episode! We sincerely hope you enjoy this one.
Don't forget, the show only gets better if you tell us how. Drop us a review on iTunes and be sure to tell us what you love, what you hate, and what you want to hear!
Not on the show to give your take? Probably not, so don't forget to keep the discussion going on the Energon Pub Forums by simply replying to this post!
Got a question for the Twincast? We take all of them, we just don't take them all seriously! Leave a question in the Ask the Twincast thread and, if it makes the cut, it may get read and answered on the show.
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Posted by SW's SilverHammer on December 5th, 2014 @ 6:59pm CST
Posted by hinomars19 on December 5th, 2014 @ 8:22pm CST
As for individual figures-my love for Cybertron Hot shot has returned, having found him, although I have had to cut his legs off!
OK, I'll explain. I bought mine loose from a small anime con around 2008-2009. He was one I had wanted having actually liked this version of Hotshot. but on getting him I found how horribly awkward his legs are! The weird restriction on the hip movement because of his waist shape versus his square thigh tops is irritating and he has no thigh swivel to compensate. So this last week I cut them in half and added a thigh swivel joint, and sanded the whole hip area. I also had to tighten the ball joints, as he was really floppy. Not sure if that's inherent to the mold or just loose joints on mine.
But yes, now he is much better. I can actually love and play with the guy now
I also really want to amass mini-cons and micromasters again.
Posted by megatronus on December 5th, 2014 @ 9:40pm CST
SW's SilverHammer wrote:When I recorded, I felt awesome, listening to it again, the only way I describe how i'm feeling is:
That's how I felt when I listened to the final cut of my audition. I really thought there were fewer audio issues in 105 than there really were...
My personal opinion on 106: you did great!
Posted by SW's SilverHammer on December 5th, 2014 @ 9:49pm CST
megatronus wrote:SW's SilverHammer wrote:When I recorded, I felt awesome, listening to it again, the only way I describe how i'm feeling is:
That's how I felt when I listened to the final cut of my audition. I really thought there were fewer audio issues in 105 than there really were...
My personal opinion on 106: you did great!
lol, well thanks, I genuinely thought you did better than me, and that's not being a kiss ass or anything; I think you did great
Posted by ScottyP on December 7th, 2014 @ 7:45am CST
SW's SilverHammer wrote:When I recorded, I felt awesome, listening to it again, the only way I describe how i'm feeling is:
:image snipped:
I think we all felt that way the first time! Was fun getting a chance to chat, this whole process has been a ton of fun.
hinomars19 wrote:On the topic of re-discovering things; I've acquired a new fondness and appreciation for the UT toys. Having had my house recently (forcibly) renovated, all of my display collection had to go into storage boxes and subsequently placed in odd corners of the house and my outside storage shed. As the months dragged on I found myself rummaging through old storage bins and reminding myself just how big and awesome a lot of UT stuff was. At the time I had, well, I'd say disdain for most of all 3 lines, save a good few figures-but even those I had forgotten how good they were. The quality and play value balanced with the value for the money you spent then was fantastic. Sadly a lot were marred by restricted or sheer lack of basic articulation. I don't scream for wrist swivel and ankle tilt, but we all know what armada and energon were like in places. That said, I wish I had collected more Cybertron toys.
As for individual figures-my love for Cybertron Hot shot has returned, having found him, although I have had to cut his legs off!
OK, I'll explain. I bought mine loose from a small anime con around 2008-2009. He was one I had wanted having actually liked this version of Hotshot. but on getting him I found how horribly awkward his legs are! The weird restriction on the hip movement because of his waist shape versus his square thigh tops is irritating and he has no thigh swivel to compensate. So this last week I cut them in half and added a thigh swivel joint, and sanded the whole hip area. I also had to tighten the ball joints, as he was really floppy. Not sure if that's inherent to the mold or just loose joints on mine.
But yes, now he is much better. I can actually love and play with the guy now
I also really want to amass mini-cons and micromasters again.
I couldn't use UT as an example of a "revisit" because I've been constantly into those toys since their release. I've slowly but surely pecked away at a lot of the Japanese stuff too, and there's still some stuff I need to pick up but very, very few true variants/redecos remain that I don't have. The line just has this charm that hasn't been matched since, imo, and a simple yet detailed look to most of the toys (I say most, because some of the early Armada stuff doesn't fit that description).
Cybertron Hot Shot - yep, some of them have loose hips. Some don't. My Botcon 2008 Goldbug that uses the mold has very loose hips, and my original-bought-it-when-it-first-hit-retail Cybertron Hot Shot has one loose hip. That thigh modification sounds fun, would be interested to see pictures of your work!
Minicons and Micromasters is a dangerous path for your wallet, but also very fun.
Speaking of Micromasters, I've also been "revisiting" some of those lately, especially the combiners. I had no idea there were so many versions of them - Universe 1.0, Takara reissues, Takara Chase reissues, AND the original Operation Combination ones aren't the same as the reissues! Yikes man, that's a lot of little dudes. Oh well, I just need to get a damn Landcross and leave variant land alone there for awhile.
Posted by Counterpunch on December 9th, 2014 @ 11:01am CST
SW's SilverHammer wrote:When I recorded, I felt awesome, listening to it again, the only way I describe how i'm feeling is:
I love that picture. I need to make a print of it for my office.
Unrelated, it's odd, but I always find that the episodes that are the funniest (for me) to be on, are the ones with the least comments.
I often think that people tend to only post in response to things they disagree with and if everyone is laughing and paling around, they just don't have any need to come to the forums and give us a hard time.
Point being, I will get better about saying stupid and/or irritating things. Promise!
Posted by jON3.0 on December 10th, 2014 @ 10:38am CST
Posted by jogunwarrior on December 10th, 2014 @ 11:03am CST
One segment from this episode that really hit with me was the discussion around coming back to older figures and taking a fresh look at them to see if your perceptions had changed. Earlier this year I had gone through much of my collection in an attempt to thin it out a bit, and I ended up getting rid of a big chunk of Unicron Trilogy and 07 Movie toys. However, there were a number of figures I gained an all new appreciation for such as Armada Jetfire, Cybertron Crumplezone, and Movie Wreckage.
The biggest revelation to me was RotF Stratosphere; he'd been on my shelf in vehicle mode and I had never bothered to transform into a robot. He just didn't interest me much, and was only picked up out of boredom. My son initially took an interest in him and asked me to transform him so he could play with him. I did, and in the process he became one of my favorite figures the movie lines, and now has a much more prolific role in my collection.
Anyway, great show as usual. This is my favorite Transformer Podcast, and I always enjoy listening.
Posted by megatronus on December 10th, 2014 @ 11:08am CST
jogunwarrior wrote:Another great episode! I think SW's SilverHammer and Megatronus had both done really doubt a lot better than I would have done!