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Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy"

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy"

Monday, January 29th, 2018 6:47PM CST

Categories: Site News, Digital Media News, Podcast
Posted by: ScottyP   Views: 36,512

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Welcome once again to the Twincast / Podcast. Host Scotty P returns for your latest episode, joined by Megatronus, RodimusConvoy13, Seibertron, and special guest Kevin from our friends at fellow Transformers fansite That's right, this iteration of the show widens our universe a little bit - unlike Paramount and Hasbro - so we hope you'll tune in to this special episode!

Episode #193 "Eulogy" is available directly and in our RSS Feed, and should appear on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher Radio within 24 to 48 hours of when you see this news post.

We kick off the show with comics discussion, and while it gets truncated a bit since we're polite guests, we do spend some time chatting about Optimus Prime #15. With Onyx Prime bearing down on Cybertron, the crew ponders what the upcoming round of issues for "The Falling" might hold. We also take some time to dive into the book's namesake character and the actual development he receives in the course of this issue. All of that can be heard about within, plus Scoop ruining everything.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy"
Yes, I finally remembered TAV Roadblock

While the mainline announcements from Takara Tomy are now incredibly unexciting, the Masterpiece line-up looks like it may be continuing unfettered with the announcement of Beast Wars MP-34S Shadow Panter. Tune in to hear what we think of this, with possibly surprising universal agreement that Tigatron as a mere recolor isn't a step we'd like to see taken. If you're unfamiliar with the origins of this deco, be sure to check out the gallery of D-7 Shadow Panther while you listen in.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy"
Yeah but is he Steve Beuerlein or DeAngelo Williams?

News broke last week about potential and/or actual Toys 'R' Us store closings in the US. But what does it mean? Well, obviously, millenials have now successfully killed another retailer, go us! it could mean several things, and if our anecdotes about different experiences within the store these days is any indication, your mileage may vary on how applicable our discussion is to you. Is this a case of capital starvation? Should we give up and blame the scalpers for buying too many things from them even though that's pretty darn counter-intuitive? Maybe Hasbro, no, Mattel is to blame! We try to keep things above board unlike this paragraph, and let us know how your local TRU seems to be faring by replying to this post on our Energon Pub Forums.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy"
Where a kid can be a kid now learn about the often cold, cruel reality of capitalism.

You may be wondering why we've called the episode what we have, since "eulogy" isn't exactly a word that brings up happy memories. Some hard times have been afoot, and Seibertron is brave enough to share some powerful content which we use to segue into our special topic for this episode. We take a look into the influence our parents and family members have had in shaping our continued love and participation in this hobby and community. It's not all tears, but be warned (seriously) that you might need the tissue box for some of this one.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy"

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy"

Our thanks again go out to Kevin from for coming on to participate in this discussion. He tells a more lighthearted story during this part of the show with a twist you won't see coming, so be sure to check it out!

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy"

After that we move on to our first Listener Question of the episode from Sabrblade, who asks:

Sabrblade wrote:Do you feel that the overall quality of mainstream Transformers fiction (e.g. - the most accessible-to-everyone stuff, like the cartoons and films) has objectively diminished over the years, or do you feel that some of the newer fiction is actually more along the same level as some of the older stuff and that is it just a dual case of "We're adults now, so we're not as easy to please as we were when we were children" and "We're nostalgic to the older stuff because we're more familiar with it than we are with the newer stuff"?

Or is it a little of both?

Or do you think the quality varies depending on things like the creators, or the networks (like, Cartoon Network having a say on RID's content vs. Discovery Family's say on Rescue Bots's content), or the target demographic, etc.?

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy"
We're old enough to have caught your plot-line get abandoned in near real time

After that, we take a second Listener question from Ironhidensh who asks:

Ironhidensh wrote:Are the forced gimmicks hurting more than they are helping recent lines?
You may be surprised to hear that it's not all just about Power of the Primes in our responses to this one! Thanks to both Sabrblade and Ironhidensh for the questions, and be sure to post yours in the Ask The Twincast thread.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy"
No one needed it to do this.

Bragging Rights herald the coming of the end of another episode, and eventually we do get there. Tune in to see what we're finding in stores and online. Some super recent finds are sure to be very good news for fans of Robots in Disguise, so with that in mind don't forget to share your Sightings with other local collectors through one or both of our Sightings tool and the Local Sightings Forums.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy"
"You owe me lobstah money!" - Cade Yaeger

Join us on the Energon Pub Forums to discuss this episode, and look out for hopefully one more episode featuring 300% more discussion on Lost Light #13 before Toy Fair!

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Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1934659)
Posted by Flashwave on January 29th, 2018 @ 9:28pm CST
I'm sorry, but you have Unicron (.com) and you didn't rip his theme intro from the 86 movie?

Sadly, TRU is closing bothbof my Stores, but leaving the one up in the crappy part of town on the Indianapolis East Side.

The two TRUs in Indy, the one in Greenwood just got new signs. The other one in Castleton has the white stucco front and hasnt been remodeled recently

Ryan: brick and morter is changing, the proof is in the fact that Walmart, Target, and Meijer are all embracing in-store pickup and 3rd party delivery services. Used to be only homebound people got stuff delivered, but now everyone is doing it. I fully expect the old Supermarket format to be replaced with shoppable warehouse formats, not unlike Costco and Sam's, but on a different sort of scale. It used to be thzt you had stores in every neighborhood for convienence, but convienence now means a delivery, same day, even same hour. I fully expect Walmart to close some of the neighborhood stores that are in "delivery range" of the Supermarket. TRU is just the first symptom because they are so specialized to 1 market

And I totally did not mean to hit post...
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1934663)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on January 29th, 2018 @ 9:48pm CST
Man...Seibertron...So sorry to hear about your loss, but thanks for sharing that awesome story. Your mom sounds like someone I'd have loved to meet. :D

You know even though I've never met a fellow Seibertronian in real life, being able to convene here with other fans of my hobby is so special. I love listening to the podcast, and I find myself laughing along with the in jokes. "Hey remember that time Scotty got Counterpunched?" And all that. And because of the profound relationship you had with your mom being not only supportive, but also sharing your hobby? It seems most of us here owe a lot to her. There's a special place in heaven for her my man. And I'll drink a pint for her!

I have a pretty good relationship with my own parents. My first exposure to the brand came when my dad came home from the local video store with a copy of Transformers: The Movie! And my mom, dad, brother and I all got really into Beast Wars, to the point where my own mother recognizes and has connection to the actual characters. To the point where my parents get excited over the fact that I've got MP-32 coming in the mail hopefully soon. Good stuff, good stuff.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1934867)
Posted by ScottyP on January 30th, 2018 @ 6:12pm CST
Flashwave wrote:I'm sorry, but you have Unicron (.com) and you didn't rip his theme intro from the 86 movie?

I fully expect the old Supermarket format to be replaced with shoppable warehouse formats, not unlike Costco and Sam's, but on a different sort of scale.
You know, I did think about the Unicron theme but I've been trying to save the non-standard audio intros for very rare circumstances ;)

On the second point I quoted, while this is super far from Transformers-related I agree about supermarkets. I want to go pick out my produce/veggies on my own, not get them in a box!

Nemesis Maximo wrote:You know even though I've never met a fellow Seibertronian in real life, being able to convene here with other fans of my hobby is so special. I love listening to the podcast, and I find myself laughing along with the in jokes. "Hey remember that time Scotty got Counterpunched?" And all that.
Thanks so much, this made my day!

Nemesis Maximo wrote:And my mom, dad, brother and I all got really into Beast Wars, to the point where my own mother recognizes and has connection to the actual characters. To the point where my parents get excited over the fact that I've got MP-32 coming in the mail hopefully soon. Good stuff, good stuff.
The real question is will your family also want to transform MP-32, and if so will you let them? :-?
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1934878)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on January 30th, 2018 @ 7:06pm CST
ScottyP wrote:
Nemesis Maximo wrote:And my mom, dad, brother and I all got really into Beast Wars, to the point where my own mother recognizes and has connection to the actual characters. To the point where my parents get excited over the fact that I've got MP-32 coming in the mail hopefully soon. Good stuff, good stuff.
The real question is will your family also want to transform MP-32, and if so will you let them? :-?

Well sure, all while under my watchful eye. :D
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1934937)
Posted by Va'al on January 31st, 2018 @ 5:11am CST
Oh Ryan.. :(

Just got about halfway through the piece (1:46:29, just started listener questions), and I really enjoyed all the different perspectives on the distribution stuff and the family stories. I did well up at Ryan's story again, and I do share his sentiments about non-supportive families. Sorry to hear, rodimus and megatronus. :/

I never had a supportive environment exactly for toy collecting myself, but not antagonistic either. My dad would buy me and me sister gifts when he was away on trips, and my mother was never really around after I turned 5 - at least until I was 10 or 12 - but it's always been a bit 'oh, still playing with toys?' after a certain point. It's changed a lot in recent five years, but that was it.

I just bought things myself when I got back into collecting, my partner at the time was ok enough with it, but I didn't really get support from family or friends after 'appropriate age for toy presents'.

I do have the one story I've shared before (there's a whole thread for it!), that I wanted to post again, just to join in.

You know, my biggest/most vivid memory of buying Transformers is only one, during Beast Wars.

My mum (whom I saw about once-twice a month) decided that for my birthday that year - whatever year it was, probably 1996 or 1997 - she would get me a game of my own for her Game Boy. We went to an Amico Giò shop, and headed for the videogame section. But I was transfixed by the Beast Wars red boxes. The Ultra class toys were out. They were beautiful. I picked up both Optimus Primal and Megatron, and looked at all the lookable, read all the readable, tried all the triable. I settled on Optimus Primal, in the end.

On our way out of the shop, my mum said she was willing to get me the other one, as well, as she had intended to spend more on the videogame anyway - I said no, it was more than enough to have this one. I keep thinking back at that strange day, as I never owned BW Megatron since, but still have the same OP.

I lied! There is a second!

It was a year later, I think, when my grandad promised me Magnaboss for my birthday, knowing full well (him, me and everyone else in my family) we might not find it in Italian shops. Which we didn't. So he took me around six shops in one afternoon later in the week, and bought me a Transmetal Waspinator as a 'pacifier' - I loved it, and it worked. My dad eventually found Magnaboss a month later in a weird department store, and I got it as a second birthday gift. :D
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1934983)
Posted by triKlops on January 31st, 2018 @ 10:13am CST
Rest In Peace to your mother Ryan.
Thanks for sharing your stories with her.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1935051)
Posted by Flashwave on January 31st, 2018 @ 2:19pm CST
I havent finished the Podcast yet either, but let me jump back in here,

Ryan, I have at least a peripheral. My Dad passed away in 2010 shortly before I graduated High School. As a matter of fact, he was holding oit to see me graduate, and my Prinicpal and the Hospice center he was at arranged for a bedside graduation so he didnt have to suffer anymore.

In my house, Mom was the "grounded" parent nd Dad was the "freer spirit". Both parents grew up pretty quick, and while that taught Mom to be practical, Dad wanted to make sure I had all the playtime I could get in, and was always there with a story or a character voice.

Some of you met Dad and I at Botcon, he joked about turning into an ATM. ;)

Mom doesnt get my collecting, but she doesnt condone it, so long as I am paying bills. Now that I am on my own, its less of a thing, although the look on her face whwn she walked into my apartment and I had two shelves loaded was... A thing. Still love her though!

Hang in there, Ryan. Lean on your friends when you need to. Its easy to let losing a parent get you into a funk and frankly, those are bad. Everyone's reltionships with their parents are different, and so it is that everyone's loss is too, but we'll be here for ya.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1935338)
Posted by Flashwave on February 1st, 2018 @ 9:41pm CST
In response to Sabrblade’s question,

Comparing Fiction from different years is hard because the fiction is very much diffferent. The Target demographics are very different, even in the same age groups, from just a few different years. Look at the number of action hero shows we had just a few years ago, and they were more sophisticated, if that’s the right word. More story driven, more grounded in their fictional physics and limitations. And now we have these wacky, out there, much more individually episodic type episodes, even episodes structuring to 7min time slots now. Can you compare G1 and Prime as cartoons? No, because the demand for the type of cartoon was very different. I do think that differences in ages does tend to tint our interpretations and expectations, and since things are so different now than a few years ago, it seems jarring and distasteful, but that’s on our end and not necessarily media.

Sometimes, the media doesn’t fit to a 7min window. Could you imagine Beast Wars, as short vignettes? I feel Machinima is proving that Transformers doesnt easily conform to that format. Maybe, a show like Animated could adapt because it didn’t take itself as seriously And RID15 did some good work with their short webisdoes, maybe that show could conform to the new format. And maybe the success or failure there falls on the shoulders of the Productin Staff, not the material.

But Generations was never a cartoon toyline. I agree with the Movie got crap distribution So what, we scrap Generations and stick with just the next replacement RID?

My first complaint came with Titan Wars. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad those of you that wanted Headmasters got them, but to me, having to take their heads off is an underwhelming part of Transofroming these otherwise awesome figures. My two favorite Titan figures so far are the two figures you can leave their heads on in Transformation (Six Shot and Overlord) (although I do like those figures for other reasons too. And the Voyager class crown things? How many of those figures are actually benefited by those things. Sure, most of those are retractable, but Galvatron just flat out needs a whole new head, and trying t put Megatron’s down in you accidentally activate them is like whack-a-mole the other pops up when you finally get one clicked down. Ugh.

Now I will say too, there was a lot of cry for playset marketing. I think Ryan or someone not he Podcast even said they wanted to see it, so I am glad we got Basebots, and working cockpits,, and whatever else, and if for nothing else, I am glad that PotP continued that playset Trend in figures like Beachcomber and Windcharger, because it does add play value, and this time without having to partsform their heads. I will never use the matrix crystals, I am bummed I can’t close them in Overlords chest, and I will probably never by the inarticulate bricks that are the Pretenders figures, knowing that the same engineering used by Repugnus a year ago would have at least given them SOME leg movement and still kept the Master in the torso, so from that standpoint its failed my interests. Jury is out on me still not he COmbiners; I recognize that maybe we could have gotten more front eh Dinobots, but I am happy with what we got. I have put off buying Jazz, only because I really like his Generations figure, but Darkwing and Dreadwind capture their original gimmick AND embrace the scramble city design, and are arguably the best looking Jet Modes to come out of those molds, despite being retools of tired designs. And I believe the Starscream torso is a good torso, its just a bad Starscream.

Why can’t you use Overlord as a Powermaster? Other than the matrices stick out so far you can’t close the chest hatches.

Scotty: I wish Perfect Effect had included an attached head for that figure, I am not buying a separate head and I dislike having to remove the factory head part.

Voltron: I love the cartoon and the toy, but Voltron is selling 6 figures in 3 sizes. Do you want a Voltron action figure? Do you want a Parlour sized Diecasst Voltron? Do you want a REALLYBIG Plastic Voltron? It’s all the same. We are talking about Transformers, where you have three lines, each catering to different niches (RID has Legends, Deluxe, Easy Transformation stuff, and a Cartoon to derive from, which has dozens of characters to work with), we have the Movie Stuff, some of which was ALWAYS going to come out later than the movie, then you have Generations where you have Legends, Deluxe, Voyager, Leader, each with its own pool of characters. Do you want tp consolidate? Because right now for good or for ill, we have a huge diversity of figures to pick from, which is better than, to me, the limited selections Voltron has. Once I bought the big lions, I was done with the lion. I keep hoping they sell some villains for that.

I am not looking toward to putting stickers on Trypticon. Maybe its the ONE HUNRDED AND FIFTY THOUSAND of them or whatever. Putting stickers on Whirl and Roadbuster was not my most favoritist thing ever. I feel like user-applied stickers can potentially detract from resale value too.

Ari: How do you like LG Black Convoy vs. like the Botcon figure?

Quintessons: those are characters that no one outside of collectors has even heard of. And I disagree, the collector market does not supersede the casual and kid market. If you want Quints, its either 3rd party, or you gotta hope that Hasbro puts them into a cartoon to sell them. Or track down the Energon alpha Q, that what I am using.

I think the Mrkeeting needs to be “Skullgrin with Liege Maximo” instead of just calling it all Liege Maximo

And speaking of, I don’t like that Liege Maximo is a Prime. I was unite happy when the 12 Primes was just a mysterious backstory thing.

Thanks guys! I love that you guys have so many guest sots on now, Vaal, Bronze, now Kevin, it really shows how far you’ve come from the same Crew on all the episodes, prior to the casting call. Diversity is great and inclusion of the Seibertron community really makes this a Seibertrn product.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1936296)
Posted by kuhlio on February 6th, 2018 @ 2:46pm CST
Ryan, in defense of the powermaster optimus prime toy... At least now when you remove the head it turns into a robot... Even the original had the removable head for powermaster mode but it didn't do anything when it wasn't a head
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1937374)
Posted by megatronus on February 10th, 2018 @ 3:30pm CST
ScottyP wrote:
Where a kid can be a kid now learn about the often cold, cruel reality of capitalism.

Ugh. Damn you Scotty, and your reminder that TRU Times Square has been closed for way too long.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1937394)
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on February 10th, 2018 @ 5:40pm CST
megatronus wrote:
ScottyP wrote:
Where a kid can be a kid now learn about the often cold, cruel reality of capitalism.

Ugh. Damn you Scotty, and your reminder that TRU Times Square has been closed for way too long.

I don’t think there’s enough Mirages there. They might run out before I can get one.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1937405)
Posted by megatronus on February 10th, 2018 @ 6:55pm CST
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:
megatronus wrote:
ScottyP wrote:
Where a kid can be a kid now learn about the often cold, cruel reality of capitalism.

Ugh. Damn you Scotty, and your reminder that TRU Times Square has been closed for way too long.

I don’t think there’s enough Mirages there. They might run out before I can get one.

And all the Titaniums!
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1937609)
Posted by Tigertrack on February 11th, 2018 @ 6:53am CST
Flashwave wrote:
Now I will say too, there was a lot of cry for playset marketing. I think Ryan or someone not he Podcast even said they wanted to see it, so I am glad we got Basebots, and working cockpits,, and whatever else, and if for nothing else, I am glad that PotP continued that playset Trend in figures like Beachcomber and Windcharger, because it does add play value, and this time without having to partsform their heads.

I haven't been on in a long time, but I have always loved base modes. Guess it comes from my Micromaster love. When DOTM came out with their legends bases and mini-figs (the ark and transforming Starscream gunship come to mind), I was excited.

But that was movie line, which never properly found any place in my collection.

I like(d) the titanmasters bases and general interaction of titanmasters similarly to how micromasters at times worked with their vehicles and bases/play sets. It's not the same but it's fun. This coming from a guy who wants to find micromaster equivalents in any new figures that he can (because they can now be guzzlers too), trying to pair a minicon with a vehicle that fit the original form in many cases. I'm a little excited because toyhax is teasing micromaster conversion stickers set(s).

I'm excited for my Legends Overlord to show up this week. All my years of collecting and I finally am able to see the main line release of this guy/gal in both companies...

It's pretty amazing collecting times we live in... And I wonder if my collecting years are starting to see the sunset now, the prime wars trilogy being the finale that will allow me the satisfaction of saying this journey is completed...
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1937681)
Posted by Flashwave on February 11th, 2018 @ 11:36am CST
Tigertrack wrote:
Flashwave wrote:
Now I will say too, there was a lot of cry for playset marketing. I think Ryan or someone not he Podcast even said they wanted to see it, so I am glad we got Basebots, and working cockpits,, and whatever else, and if for nothing else, I am glad that PotP continued that playset Trend in figures like Beachcomber and Windcharger, because it does add play value, and this time without having to partsform their heads.

I haven't been on in a long time, but I have always loved base modes. Guess it comes from my Micromaster love. When DOTM came out with their legends bases and mini-figs (the ark and transforming Starscream gunship come to mind), I was excited.

But that was movie line, which never properly found any place in my collection.

I like(d) the titanmasters bases and general interaction of titanmasters similarly to how micromasters at times worked with their vehicles and bases/play sets. It's not the same but it's fun. This coming from a guy who wants to find micromaster equivalents in any new figures that he can (because they can now be guzzlers too), trying to pair a minicon with a vehicle that fit the original form in many cases. I'm a little excited because toyhax is teasing micromaster conversion stickers set(s).

I'm excited for my Legends Overlord to show up this week. All my years of collecting and I finally am able to see the main line release of this guy/gal in both companies...

It's pretty amazing collecting times we live in... And I wonder if my collecting years are starting to see the sunset now, the prime wars trilogy being the finale that will allow me the satisfaction of saying this journey is completed...

I was too late for Micromasters, but I was looking at Trypticon going "Y'no, Minicons..."

For equivalents, i have my Universe Countdown paired off with Movie Erector, Movie Big Daddy, Universe Treadshot, Botcon Flak, Cyb Def. Scattorshot as Powerbomb (japanese flak) and Cyb Jetfire as Groundshaker. They are currently off scouting the far reaches of my living room the universe righting wrongs and looking for relics of long lost Cybertronian colonies.

I thought about adding either the Energon Jetfire or Cyb Overcast in as Galaxy Shuttle, the Energon mold was sort of an inted homage, Overcast has the better colors, but the group didn't look right with adding any more dudes.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #193 "Eulogy" (1937942)
Posted by ScottyP on February 12th, 2018 @ 8:29am CST
^ Armada Jetfire is the Galaxy Shuttle homage :) The shield is shaped the way it is not just to be Super Pants Prime's chestplate, but also as a nod to the never-actually-made piece for Galaxy Shuttle that would have been used in its base mode.

Prototype Galaxy Shuttle:

You can get pretty close to this with Galaxy Shuttle and the Armada Jetfire shield, it just doesn't really peg in of course.

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