Upcoming 3rd party trailer for BotCon Animated Motormaster?
Tuesday, June 14th, 2011 4:20AM CDT
Categories: Toy News, Rumors, Unlicensed Products NewsPosted by: Dead Metal Views: 89,855
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He also tells us that the trailer will be able to combine with the Animated Stunticons to form a combined form of about 12 - 14 inches in hight.
However, there is no confirmation of this actually coming out yet, but it does look awfully familiar to the original teaser images of the upcoming Make Toys RTS G2 Optimus Prime trailer.
What ever it is, we'll keep you updated!
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Posted by Captziltoid on June 14th, 2011 @ 4:36am CDT
Posted by Tigertrack on June 14th, 2011 @ 5:03am CDT
Posted by grimdragon2001 on June 14th, 2011 @ 5:08am CDT
Posted by WolfDawg on June 14th, 2011 @ 8:07am CDT
For now I'm excited, but skeptical. Glad I got these guys while I did. If this trailer/combiner turns out to be as epic as FP Bruticus, the price of the Botcon Stunticons will be astronomical!
Posted by joevill on June 14th, 2011 @ 9:09am CDT
Posted by Midnight_Fox on June 14th, 2011 @ 9:17am CDT
So, who's getting it to make Optimus, Jazz, Rodimus, Arcee, and Lockdown combine?
Posted by enclinedesigns on June 14th, 2011 @ 9:48am CDT
Midnight_Fox wrote:I'll be getting it if it's released, but I won't use the combined mode until we know 100% if it damages the figs.
So, who's getting it to make Optimus, Jazz, Rodimus, Arcee, and Lockdown combine?
I do know that it will be designed to incorporate all the figs with out damage. That is a really important aspect of this piece. Can't have something that requires mods or damage to rare figs!
Posted by Counterpunch on June 14th, 2011 @ 10:26am CDT
Wouldn't wrapping them up in a combiner essentially strip them of all that character that went into their development?
Just asking...
Posted by Blitz krieg on June 14th, 2011 @ 11:43am CDT
one such way to keep the mind and personality of the combiner from falling victim to the psychological and mental flaws of the individuals who form the combiners physical body would be to equip the combiner with a headmaster partner who would theirself house the mind and personality of the combiner being in their own body but with the mind and personality of the combiner being kept mentally seperated from the mind and personality of the headmaster parter's person.
but with the combiner being a headmaster enhancced combiner it would be possible for the combiner to fully posess his own mind and personality independent of the minds and personalities of the individual cybertronians who form the combiners physical body
while the headmaster partner would form the combiners entire head he would only provide the combiner form with its own mind and personality seperate from that persons mind but with there still being a limited degree of shared control between the combiner and the individual cybertronians who form his body. with the combiner being able to draw on the memories and life experinece of the individual cybertronians who form his body without falling victim to any one members mental or psychological flaws in doing so
in a manner of speaking the combiner's mind and personality would live and experieince life through each of the individual cybertronians when they are their own seperate persons when not combined
and while the team are in combiner form when the combiners own midn and personality has awakened and is active he would be able to draw on those experiences as his own person
basicly for the combiners mindand pesonality he would in a way be asleep but would still be able to learn and experieince anything for himself that the individual wrekcers learn and experieince for theirselves when they are in their individual forms
in its way it would be lik a person living part of each day of their life in a dream state during the time the individual members of the combiner team are their own individual persons when they are not in their shared combiner form.
but during this time the combiners mind and personality would still be throughly aware of the deviding line that seperates dream from reality and when the combiner team members combine to form their super warrior combiner body when the combiners mind and personality awakens he would be able to use what he have learned during dream time experieince in real life in real time reality
Posted by RodimalToyota on June 14th, 2011 @ 11:45am CDT
also, how about we stop announcing projects, until other projects are finished. I bought a RTS Optimus specifically for the trailer upgrade set. So let's get that done, then talk about othe3r trailers.
The 3rd party companies are starting to get annoying with "future" releases. Where are the "past" releases. Hell where is the WFC upgrade sets for prime and Megs that we saw protos of?
Or am I the only one who hates announcements before it's decided it will even come out.
Posted by Flux Convoy on June 14th, 2011 @ 11:55am CDT
Posted by Blitz krieg on June 14th, 2011 @ 11:57am CDT
basicly the combiners mind/personality and the team members who form the head core body and breastplate armored chest would share joint control over the full combiner body where datagathering/data processing is concerned while the other team members would still have their minds active in a sort of seperated repressed state kept seperate from thecombiners mind and personality
but with this trio examining and processing all the audio and visual data gathered through the minds optics and audio sensors of the team members who form the combiner body's arms and legs
in doing this it would make it possible for theteam members who form the core body the armored chest and the head of the combiner body to more easily confer with each other mentally and then passing that info along to thecombiners mind/pesonality whos mind would be kept seperate from the minds/personalities of the other team members but with the data/rpocessing/data gathering trio serving as the go betwen for the 4 limb members of the team and the mind/personality of the combiner to keep him informed vie interautobot radiof the limb members thoughts pertaining to the matter while at the same time it makes it possible for the 4 limb members to pull double duty as living sentient power up armor
Posted by Blitz krieg on June 14th, 2011 @ 12:01pm CDT
brainmaster tech when it comes to the fact that the combiner would exist as its own person mentally and psychologically speaking while at the same time experiencing life through the individual members of the combiner team
and transtector tech when it comes to the fact that the combiners own personality/mind would be in full 1oo percent control of the actual combiner body super warrior form
but with it also being a kind of shared joint control as well when it coems to the data processing and information gathering aspect of the combiner tech as well
as a 7 member combiner team the combiners own mind and personality would technically count as a 8th member of the the team
Posted by enclinedesigns on June 14th, 2011 @ 12:10pm CDT
and a few details..
The Trailer will NOT damage the figures.
It is being designed by guys who are HUGE fans and want to make something they can put on their shelf and be proud of.. It will be very G1 and Animated.
Posted by Razorclaw0000 on June 14th, 2011 @ 12:18pm CDT
enclinedesigns wrote:Rumor is... Menasor sneak pics coming soon!
and a few details..
The Trailer will NOT damage the figures.
It is being designed by guys who are HUGE fans and want to make something they can put on their shelf and be proud of.. It will be very G1 and Animated.
I am intrigued.
Posted by alexison on June 14th, 2011 @ 12:28pm CDT
Posted by Leader_Ultra_Magnus on June 14th, 2011 @ 12:56pm CDT
If they can pull this off, I will have a total toygasm
Posted by Kibble on June 14th, 2011 @ 1:05pm CDT
Posted by Sabrblade on June 14th, 2011 @ 1:15pm CDT
Posted by enclinedesigns on June 14th, 2011 @ 1:33pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:I've hunch this won't include Toxitron into the mix. He's an Animated Stunticon too.
They haven't forgot Toxitron:)
Posted by Downbeat on June 14th, 2011 @ 2:23pm CDT
Posted by jON3.0 on June 14th, 2011 @ 8:33pm CDT
Posted by Dead Metal on June 15th, 2011 @ 5:15am CDT
jON3.0 wrote:HEEEY! I'm the one who told you about this story!
What? Where?
Editing story again.
Posted by Autobot032 on June 15th, 2011 @ 6:02am CDT
Downbeat wrote:Great, now I have to get all the stunticons AND this set.
Not entirely true. Other than the paint deco and remolded heads (which I admit are a big part of the set), you could still use the base figures, with a bit of customizing work..
I'd be interested in doing so.
Posted by El Duque on July 31st, 2011 @ 2:22pm CDT
The set will be limited to at max 1,500 sets.
BBTS and Toyarena.com will be our US distributers.
We are looking to have a full prototype complete by October.