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Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online

Transformers News: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online

Wednesday, March 29th, 2017 12:05PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Digital Media News
Posted by: Va'al   Views: 38,017

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The official website for Paramount's Transformers: The Last Knight live-action movie has appeared online fully updated, including videos, clips, teasers, trailers, the official synopsis and robot cast bios and links to the social media accounts (plus a new background track from the movie score). Check it out here, and let us know what you think of our coverage of the early footage and information we were able to gain access to via Paramount direct!

The Last Knight shatters the core myths of the Transformers franchise, and redefines what it means to be a hero. Humans and Transformers are at war, Optimus Prime is gone. The key to saving our future lies buried in the secrets of the past, in the hidden history of Transformers on Earth. Saving our world falls upon the shoulders of an unlikely alliance: Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg); Bumblebee; an English Lord (Sir Anthony Hopkins); and an Oxford Professor (Laura Haddock).

There comes a moment in everyone’s life when we are called upon to make a difference. In Transformers: The Last Knight, the hunted will become heroes. Heroes will become villains. Only one world will survive: theirs, or ours.

Transformers News: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online

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Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1870262)
Posted by SlyTF1 on March 29th, 2017 @ 12:12pm CDT
Deadput wrote:
Seibertron wrote:
Deadput wrote:Thanks anyways I was wondering if anyone else from Seibertron went to the event or if it was just you?

It was just me from along with one representative each from,,,,,, and Marcelo Matere! The rest of the group was filled out with Michael Bay superfans and Transformers fans from around the world.

Bay superfans eh? Wonder if I missed my invite in the mail :lol:


Oh and perhaps Sly too if anyone in the world is a superfan it's that guy.

Well, considering the fact that I often publicly REBUKE and CONDEMN people, in defense of these movies, the least they could do is send me a notification.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1870486)
Posted by Autobot N on March 30th, 2017 @ 8:35am CDT ... bumblebee/

Article says that Canopy manages to escape.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1870488)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 30th, 2017 @ 8:38am CDT
Autobot N wrote:

Article says that Canopy manages to escape.

That's actually pretty awesome, concerning Bee and Hopkins
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1870613)
Posted by Deadput on March 30th, 2017 @ 6:08pm CDT
Autobot N wrote:

Article says that Canopy manages to escape.

Most people say that Canopy dies though so it's inconsistent.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871114)
Posted by Arsnof on April 2nd, 2017 @ 1:43pm CDT
Kurona wrote:
Deadput wrote:I think when people want more "character" their talking about screen-time and lines which we definitely got in the last movie with Optimus (as always), Crosshairs, Hound, Lockdown.

Bumblebee was a bit less of a screen hog in Aoe with Hound pretty much taking his place in the movie and Drift was good too although he got the less screen time out of all the main Autobots in that movie doesn't help that it's difficult to make a stoic personality stick out compared to loud or snarky ones such as Hound and Crosshairs.

The only characters I felt needing more screen time were The Dinobots (Although I understand since they show up at the end of the movie not much time to develop character there although a line or two from Grimlock would help at least Grimlock is coming back) and some more screemtime or at least some action scenes to make Stinger stand out more then he actually did in the final film since it's obvious compared to what we saw during filming that several scenes with Stinger were cut out of the movie.

Oh true, characters are certainly important and AoE making its Autobot cast stand out a lot more compared to the previous movies was certainly an improvement - while action should be prioritised, one should also make an effort to have the characters stand out a little and be enjoyable and likeable. Nothing groundbreaking or full of depth; but just someone that you might be able to relate to on some small level and someone who you're rooting for when they're taking the fight to the bad guys. So you can certainly criticise these movies for not having likeable, enjoyable characters if that's how you feel (it's personally how I feel; I find Optimus in these movies to be an extremely unlikable character for instance - but that's not the point I'm making here and I won't bore you all by going into why).

What I was getting at is that a lot of people seem to criticise the movie for having plots and characters that lack depth. But, as I keep saying, that's generally how action movies work best. It's not where you look for your deeply impactful stories or something that will re-define cinema for generations or have characters the like of which you've never seen before. I mean hey, maybe these movies do do that for you; I dunno. If they do, all the power to you! But for those complaining that they don't... this is a summer action blockbuster. You go in, you have fun, you get out. That's generally the point, so I don't see much worth in complaining that the first movie's story was simple or that Hound doesn't have a deeply developed backstory. One of the few points I'll agree with Bay on is that ROTF having an overly-complex mythos was a detriment because it's distracting from what should be the focus; the action.

A lot of the criticisms about the movies (ESPECIALLY the first couple) were that the Transformers themselves didn't get a lot of screen time compared to the human characters and that when they did, they were hard to tell apart. This lack of screen time led to the lack of character depth and was caused mainly by design.

There was a lot of complaining early on about how the design of the Transformers was far too complicated; basically a skeleton with wires and pistons and various gizmos and doodads barely covered up by bits and pieces of the vehicle mode. This did two things; the first being small - they were so similar in build and color that it was hard to tell them apart during fight scenes or just walking around together. The second being that, especially for the technology at the time, it was incredibly difficult to animate them. So many moving parts, so many exposed surfaces, so many exposed bits and pieces all over the place takes a LOT of time and money to render.

To put any Transformer up on the screen for longer than they did, even if it was to give more depth or more backstory that would have made the movie that much better would have cost hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars more and hundred of man and computer hours that they didn't have in the budget. So they sacrificed story for substance.

I honestly think that's why a lot of the story has been becoming more robo-centric and the designs since have been getting more and more individual and recognizable. Look at the most recent rounds of design releases. Much more solid coverage, much more color, much more variance in shape and height. And, if these previews and trailers are to be believed, much, much more presence in the movie. Which is why I'm going to give it one more try.

Kurona wrote:... in my opinion, one of the best movie designs was Jazz. He had enough visual cues from the original character to tell you that, yes, this is Jazz (the visor, the hood chest, I'm pretty sure he turned into a porche?) while also having enough new traits to give him his own visual identity separate from the original while still clearly being an update. I personally would have given him a colour scheme more reminiscent of his G1 self, but that's just my own personal aesthetic preference; I like a bit of colour compared to the grays and silvers.

And then his only line in the entire movie was basically " 'Sup, bitches?"...
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871117)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 2nd, 2017 @ 1:51pm CDT
Arsnof wrote:
Kurona wrote:... in my opinion, one of the best movie designs was Jazz. He had enough visual cues from the original character to tell you that, yes, this is Jazz (the visor, the hood chest, I'm pretty sure he turned into a porche?) while also having enough new traits to give him his own visual identity separate from the original while still clearly being an update. I personally would have given him a colour scheme more reminiscent of his G1 self, but that's just my own personal aesthetic preference; I like a bit of colour compared to the grays and silvers.

And then his only line in the entire movie was basically " 'Sup, bitches?"...
He had more lines than that. Just, not as memorable.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871118)
Posted by Kurona on April 2nd, 2017 @ 1:52pm CDT
There was that thing he said right before he died!
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871120)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 2nd, 2017 @ 1:55pm CDT
Kurona wrote:There was that thing he said right before he died!
In all honesty, I could go skim through Jazz's scenes of the movie and transcribe every line he said (and some of them were good lines), but I just don't want to right now. (:|
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871125)
Posted by Arsnof on April 2nd, 2017 @ 2:59pm CDT
From IMDB:

Transformers (2007)
Jazz: Is that all you got, Megatron?
Megatron: Come here, you little cretin!
[Megatron grabs Jazz, but Jazz opens fire with his blaster]
Jazz: You want a piece of me? You want a piece?
Megatron: No, I want TWO!
[rips Jazz in half]

Jazz: It's Megatron! Retreat! Move! Fall back!

Jazz: [jumping on Devastator] Come on, Decepticon punk!

Jazz: What's crackin' little bitches?
[does a somersault]
Optimus Prime: My first lieutenant. Designation: Jazz.
Jazz: This looks like a cool place to kick it!

Jazz: What about Bumblebee? We can't just leave him to die and become some human experiment!
Optimus Prime: He'll die in vain if we don't accomplish our mission. Bumblebee is a brave soldier. This is what he would want.

Jazz: Fire it up, Optimus!

Optimus Prime: Autobots, roll out!
Jazz: We rollin'!
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871127)
Posted by Kurona on April 2nd, 2017 @ 3:05pm CDT
Arsnof wrote:Jazz: What's crackin' little bitches?
[does a somersault]
Optimus Prime: My first lieutenant. Designation: Jazz.
Jazz: This looks like a cool place to kick it!

This brings to mind a way funnier scene than the movie's script has any right to...
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871219)
Posted by Deadput on April 2nd, 2017 @ 8:40pm CDT
Arsnof wrote:From IMDB:

Transformers (2007)
Jazz: Is that all you got, Megatron?
Megatron: Come here, you little cretin!
[Megatron grabs Jazz, but Jazz opens fire with his blaster]
Jazz: You want a piece of me? You want a piece?
Megatron: No, I want TWO!
[rips Jazz in half]

Jazz: It's Megatron! Retreat! Move! Fall back!

Jazz: [jumping on Devastator] Come on, Decepticon punk!

Jazz: What's crackin' little bitches?
[does a somersault]
Optimus Prime: My first lieutenant. Designation: Jazz.
Jazz: This looks like a cool place to kick it!

Jazz: What about Bumblebee? We can't just leave him to die and become some human experiment!
Optimus Prime: He'll die in vain if we don't accomplish our mission. Bumblebee is a brave soldier. This is what he would want.

Jazz: Fire it up, Optimus!

Optimus Prime: Autobots, roll out!
Jazz: We rollin'!

He also said a few more other lines but most of them were harder to hear I can think of three of them.

1: When their trying to hide in Sam's backyard this one is a bit hard to hear due to the music in the scene and Jazz is pretty much whispering.
Jazz: Hide? Hide where? Oh no Oh no.

2: When Jazz uses his magnet hands to take away S7 Guns
Jazz: Give me those!

3: When Bee is captured and Jazz, Ironhide and Ratchet pull up to Optimus right before he talks to Optimus about Bumblebee he tells them to stay there.
Jazz: Hang back, let me check it out.

So all in all Jazz did have plenty of lines but most of them were easy to miss in fact some of them I only heard due to a combination of headphones and subtitles since when I rewatch the the movies I use subtitles to find hidden or misheard dialogue such as Mixmaster's "listen up" and Shockwave's "Driller bot is thirsty".
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871424)
Posted by MadProject on April 3rd, 2017 @ 3:16pm CDT
New rendering for Hot Rod. I don't know the original source, but it should be from Weibo
hot rod render.jpg
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871467)
Posted by Arsnof on April 3rd, 2017 @ 7:10pm CDT
MadProject wrote:New rendering for Hot Rod. I don't know the original source, but it should be from Weibo
hot rod render.jpg

Honestly, I'm surprised that most of the right shapes are there (minus the Wolverine exhausts, but I'm strangely okay with that?) but the colors are all wrong. I AM FULL OF MIXED EMOTIONS.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871469)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 3rd, 2017 @ 7:19pm CDT
Thanks to Weibo user 变形金刚改造工厂的淘宝店 we have some new CGI renderings of the Transformers: The Last Knight Hot Rod! Since being confirmed as a character back in August of last year, Hot Rod has garnered little attention, with only a brief vehicle mode shot in the first trailer and a metal die-cast toy to speak of. The new image shows Hot Rod in 3 different poses, showing off how similar he looks to Bumblebee - who is supposed to be his "brother in arms" - and how he looks standing, bracing, and jumping. Check out the new images below!

Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871471)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 3rd, 2017 @ 7:20pm CDT
He honestly does look good, and I do like his similarity to Bee yet being a whole new fellow. The only bit I'm not too mad on is the face, but we really haven't seen much of him yet
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871473)
Posted by Deadput on April 3rd, 2017 @ 7:28pm CDT
Well someone on another site zoomed on Hot Rod's face and well... there is a young face there it all makes sense now. (look at the chin you can see the mouth and I feel stupid for not noticing it sooner)


Looks a bit better now to me.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871475)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 3rd, 2017 @ 7:30pm CDT
Deadput wrote:Well someone on another site zoomed on Hot Rod's face and well... there is a young face there it all makes sense now. (look at the chin you can see the mouth and I feel stupid for not noticing it sooner)


Looks a bit better now to me.

Ok, that is much better. I can actually see a mouth that I didn't know he had and I can clearly see his optics. That looks much better
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871511)
Posted by Deadput on April 3rd, 2017 @ 8:46pm CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:Ok, that is much better. I can actually see a mouth that I didn't know he had and I can clearly see his optics. That looks much better

It is a very humanoid face which is something people have been wanting from the films.

Yet Dino's beautiful face will never be beaten.

Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871514)
Posted by Arsnof on April 3rd, 2017 @ 8:54pm CDT
Deadput wrote:Well someone on another site zoomed on Hot Rod's face and well... there is a young face there it all makes sense now. (look at the chin you can see the mouth and I feel stupid for not noticing it sooner)


Looks a bit better now to me.

Now that is a better face than 90% of the rest of the series. I'd only say either move the orange bit up above the brow or leave it there and color the bit over the eyes yellow and they got it. Still, DAYUM. So much better.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871516)
Posted by Seibertron on April 3rd, 2017 @ 8:57pm CDT
Deadput wrote:
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:Ok, that is much better. I can actually see a mouth that I didn't know he had and I can clearly see his optics. That looks much better

It is a very humanoid face which is something people have been wanting from the films.

Yet Dino's beautiful face will never be beaten.


All of the movie faces are a disaster in my opinion. I gave up after the first movie. Optimus with the face shield used to look somewhat OK, but whatever they did to it for this movie made it a mess too. I don't understand why their faces have to be so overly complicated and weird looking. I'm assuming that they must look too cartoonish the more humanoid they look, but there's got to be a compromise somewhere.

Even from a design perspective, it seems like making Hot Rod's "face" silver or some other contrasting color to make it stand out against the color of his head would help make it pop some more to help give visual cues what we're looking at. We shouldn't be having to figure out that he has a humanoid face because someone did some highly zoomed in crop of an image of his head.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871517)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 3rd, 2017 @ 9:00pm CDT
We have learned that Flickering Myth managed to snag an exclusive interview with Isabela Moner, the rising star in Transformers: The Last Knight! The interview is a video interview, and features questions dealing with her role in the movie, her upcoming movie roles, her CinemaCon award, and more, such as the revelation that she got into Transformers by watching it with her brothers when she was younger. Check out the video below!

Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871521)
Posted by Deadput on April 3rd, 2017 @ 9:06pm CDT
Seibertron wrote:
All of the movie faces are a disaster in my opinion. I gave up after the first movie. Optimus with the face shield used to look somewhat OK, but whatever they did to it for this movie made it a mess too. I don't understand why their faces have to be so overly complicated and weird looking. I'm assuming that they must look too cartoonish the more humanoid they look, but there's got to be a compromise somewhere.

Even from a design perspective, it seems like making Hot Rod's "face" silver or some other contrasting color to make it stand out against the color of his head would help make it pop some more to help give visual cues what we're looking at. We shouldn't be having to figure out that he has a humanoid face because someone did some highly zoomed in crop of an image of his head.

Well what's done is done the best we can hope for in the future are more faces like Crosshairs, Drift and Hound that are easy to make out but are distinct to thier character.

At least for the Autobots their faces are a bit creative and distinct from each other compared to G1 where you needed a different helmet, visor or different mouthplate shape to make them distinct because all the "liquid metal" human faces were 100 identical.

There really is no win win for any of us since for the franchise as a whole faces are either going to be to generic or too complicated.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871522)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 3rd, 2017 @ 9:07pm CDT
Just saying, Hound wins for faces. I love his, it is literally perfect.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871530)
Posted by Kurona on April 3rd, 2017 @ 9:29pm CDT
I think I felt myself actually back away from my laptop for a second when I noticed Hot Rod's mouth... that is 100% creepy, not gonna lie.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871533)
Posted by Deadput on April 3rd, 2017 @ 9:33pm CDT
Kurona wrote:I think I felt myself actually back away from my laptop for a second when I noticed Hot Rod's mouth... that is 100% creepy, not gonna lie.

You should watch out Hot Rod knows where you live lol.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871537)
Posted by Kurona on April 3rd, 2017 @ 9:41pm CDT
Deadput wrote:
Kurona wrote:I think I felt myself actually back away from my laptop for a second when I noticed Hot Rod's mouth... that is 100% creepy, not gonna lie.

You should watch out Hot Rod knows where you live lol.

Doling out vengeance as he discovers I like every Hot Rod/Rodimus except him :lol:
My defence will be saying that Armada Hot Shot was called Hot Rod in Micron Legend, and I certainly don't like him either :twisted:

On a slightly more serious note Transformers does get off kinda lucky when it comes to face designs, especially recently. Faceplates and Visors alone bring in some variety, and then you've got stuff like Windblade - whether you like her and her design or not, you've gotta admit that face certainly ain't generic.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871551)
Posted by Deadput on April 3rd, 2017 @ 10:03pm CDT
Kurona wrote:Doling out vengeance as he discovers I like every Hot Rod/Rodimus except him :lol:
My defence will be saying that Armada Hot Shot was called Hot Rod in Micron Legend, and I certainly don't like him either :twisted:

On a slightly more serious note Transformers does get off kinda lucky when it comes to face designs, especially recently. Faceplates and Visors alone bring in some variety, and then you've got stuff like Windblade - whether you like her and her design or not, you've gotta admit that face certainly ain't generic.

Yup I was kinda put off by Windlbabe's head at first but I'm starting to like it due to the fact that Windblade is a much more original character in most of the Transformers franchise then say any Arcee.

Speaking of her do any of you think she might have a role in this film?

She "could" be the red Mclaren but I doubt it and think said car is actually a returning Dino which I think there might be a small chance since "Mirage" is getting a toy in the Tiny Changers line but then again characters such as Blackout, Starscream, Lockdown and Sideswipe are getting one too and their pretty much not in the movie due to most of them being...well dead.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871563)
Posted by Seibertron on April 3rd, 2017 @ 11:04pm CDT
Deadput wrote:Speaking of her do any of you think she might have a role in this film?

No I don't. She wasn't listed on any of the character sheets of the hundreds of characters shown in those scale sheets at the Last Knight set in Detroit last summer.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871565)
Posted by ToaLeePrime on April 3rd, 2017 @ 11:11pm CDT
high noon.png
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871568)
Posted by Deadput on April 3rd, 2017 @ 11:23pm CDT
Seibertron wrote:
Deadput wrote:Speaking of her do any of you think she might have a role in this film?

No I don't. She wasn't listed on any of the character sheets of the hundreds of characters shown in those scale sheets at the Last Knight set in Detroit last summer.

A few questions. 1: What's a scale sheet? 2: Are you allowed to talk about any of the characters on said sheet or is it something forbidden according to contracts?

Anyways I did not think she would be but I was thinking maybe there was a chance said Windblade turns into a jet and Megatron's new jet mode was not on set due to being a "alien" jet also most of Starscream's flying scenes were just cgi and not actually filmed from what I heard.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871574)
Posted by Kurona on April 3rd, 2017 @ 11:33pm CDT
It is rather surprising that Hasbro wouldn't order the movies to have their new put-them-in-everything-ever-thanks character, but then it seems like the movies make so much on their own they get much more of a say in what they can do and who they have.
Of all the media to have creative freedom... :HEADHURTS:
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871580)
Posted by Arsnof on April 4th, 2017 @ 12:01am CDT
ToaLeePrime wrote:
high noon.png

Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871581)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 4th, 2017 @ 12:07am CDT
Arsnof wrote:
ToaLeePrime wrote:
high noon.png

I don't see any flowers. :-P
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871583)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on April 4th, 2017 @ 12:33am CDT
I dunno. This face looks a bit too cutesy weird for me. And I'm a big fan of most of the movie faces and love their uniqueness and complexity (I hate the face styles in Animated cos they're just awful and RID2015 cos they creep me out more with their eyes). I wanna see him in action though.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871585)
Posted by ToaLeePrime on April 4th, 2017 @ 1:05am CDT
Arsnof wrote:
ToaLeePrime wrote:
high noon.png

:lol: :lol: :lol: What in Transformation!?
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871586)
Posted by Seibertron on April 4th, 2017 @ 1:05am CDT
Deadput wrote:
Seibertron wrote:
Deadput wrote:Speaking of her do any of you think she might have a role in this film?

No I don't. She wasn't listed on any of the character sheets of the hundreds of characters shown in those scale sheets at the Last Knight set in Detroit last summer.

A few questions. 1: What's a scale sheet? 2: Are you allowed to talk about any of the characters on said sheet or is it something forbidden according to contracts?

Anyways I did not think she would be but I was thinking maybe there was a chance said Windblade turns into a jet and Megatron's new jet mode was not on set due to being a "alien" jet also most of Starscream's flying scenes were just cgi and not actually filmed from what I heard.

This is a G1 scale sheet that shows all of the characters in scale with each other. Paramount had these all around the art room we saw back in August, but with Movie characters instead of G1 characters (obviously). The characters weren't just from Last Knight, it seemed all Transformers from all of the movies were including among various different sheets around all of the walls in the art room. My memories are a little foggy from last August, but I seem to recall Devastator alongside other larger characters like Jet Prime, etc. Most were characters we had seen but some seemed to be characters that were well known from special features or whatever.


Surprisingly, Paramount didn't have me sign a non-disclosure in August 2016 or March 2017 so I think I'm able to talk about whatever you guys want to ask me about. Ask away and I'll tell you if I know something or if I can't talk about it.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871606)
Posted by breacher on April 4th, 2017 @ 6:18am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Arsnof wrote:
ToaLeePrime wrote:
high noon.png

I don't see any flowers. :-P

(it was never that funny to begin with. Especially when you just slap "nation" onto the ends of words that don't end with "tion".)
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871622)
Posted by dragons on April 4th, 2017 @ 8:17am CDT
Deadput wrote:
Seibertron wrote:
All of the movie faces are a disaster in my opinion. I gave up after the first movie. Optimus with the face shield used to look somewhat OK, but whatever they did to it for this movie made it a mess too. I don't understand why their faces have to be so overly complicated and weird looking. I'm assuming that they must look too cartoonish the more humanoid they look, but there's got to be a compromise somewhere.

Even from a design perspective, it seems like making Hot Rod's "face" silver or some other contrasting color to make it stand out against the color of his head would help make it pop some more to help give visual cues what we're looking at. We shouldn't be having to figure out that he has a humanoid face because someone did some highly zoomed in crop of an image of his head.

Well what's done is done the best we can hope for in the future are more faces like Crosshairs, Drift and Hound that are easy to make out but are distinct to thier character.

At least for the Autobots their faces are a bit creative and distinct from each other compared to G1 where you needed a different helmet, visor or different mouthplate shape to make them distinct because all the "liquid metal" human faces were 100 identical.

There really is no win win for any of us since for the franchise as a whole faces are either going to be to generic or too complicated.

Giant ALIEN robots born made on another planet that humans had no part in didn't strike any ideas besides alien nation name one alien that looks human humans head human ears human mouth and eyes aliens not man made shockwave , soundwave, scorponock laserbeak, ravage, whirl, tarn, fans want aliens looking like humans watch alien nation fans want giant alien robots from another planet had no human contact until crashed on earth watch transformers only thing changes on robots is outer shell what they change in to not there body does your face change when you have different color shirt on today same with transformers outer body to blend in robot mode stay true who they are as aliens from another planet with non human contact until earth alien movies species alien inside outer shell of human to blend in, predator, alien movie LIFE, mac and me, alf nit one those aliens stay and look human.

Transformers may as well be crated on earth if fans want them to have human faces and not created in space by aliens quntesons not human looking
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871624)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 4th, 2017 @ 8:57am CDT
On this glorious Tuesday morning (or afternoon, or night, or even very early Wednesday morning, depending where you are) we bring to you a reminder that tonight will be the Imax Fan Event, where fans of the Live-Action Transformers Movies will get to experience a half an hour long reel of movie moments and behind-the-scenes footage! This experience will contain the material seen during the Super Fan Event that Seibertron was involved with, and even includes about 5 more additional minutes of footage. You can find your tickets for this limited Imax theaters event Here, and you can get up to 2 free tickets for the event. The event is scheduled to occur at 7pm tonight, April 4th.

The British Board of Film Classification has also rated the trailer and provided us with information regarding the preview, such as the running time of just under 30 minutes. We will include the technical details below.

And if you want some spoilerish reminders of what will occur tonight, minus the several new minutes of footage, you can check out Seibertron's own coverage and thoughts right over here!

-Type Of Media: FilmTrailer
-Approved Running Time: 29m 24s
-Director: Michael Bay
-Cut: This work was passed uncut.
-Title Information: IMAX Fan Footage
-Year: 2017
-Distributor(s): Paramount Pictures UK
-Classified date(s): 03/04/2017
-Main language: English
-Submitted run time: 29m 24s
-Approved footage: 2646+0
-BBFC reference: FTxxx346896
-Registration number: CFJ41853
-Remarks: IMAX Fan Footage
-Note to parents: This version of the film is displayed in the 3D or IMAX format and some younger children may find this a more intense experience
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871628)
Posted by karyuudo on April 4th, 2017 @ 9:51am CDT
I'll be there tonight :) Should be a fun event.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871634)
Posted by Deadput on April 4th, 2017 @ 10:06am CDT
Seibertron wrote:
This is a G1 scale sheet that shows all of the characters in scale with each other. Paramount had these all around the art room we saw back in August, but with Movie characters instead of G1 characters (obviously). The characters weren't just from Last Knight, it seemed all Transformers from all of the movies were including among various different sheets around all of the walls in the art room. My memories are a little foggy from last August, but I seem to recall Devastator alongside other larger characters like Jet Prime, etc. Most were characters we had seen but some seemed to be characters that were well known from special features or whatever.

Surprisingly, Paramount didn't have me sign a non-disclosure in August 2016 or March 2017 so I think I'm able to talk about whatever you guys want to ask me about. Ask away and I'll tell you if I know something or if I can't talk about it.

Ahhhhh So you did mean a scale chart ok I thought you were talking about something else like... building scales or something.

Anyways tried to ask you some questions last knight but it seems my phone did not post them... I might as well get them out of the way right now.

1: Was Cogman's Aston Martin body shown at all or was he in bhis small Headmaster robot form the whole time?

2: Are the other Dinobots besides Grimlock and Slug in the footage you were shown and were they ever in thier robot forms at all?

3: Did any of the Transformers talk with actual voice work and if so which ones?

4: Did Canopy actually die, live or is it unclear in what you guys saw?

5: WHO IS THE RED MCLAREN IS IT OUR BEAUTIFUL BOY DINO RETURNING?! I'm just sort of kidding/sarcastic about this one I don't think anyone knows besides the movie staff and some others right now.

But if you might know this is the guy I'm talking about he was seen with Bee, Hot Rod and Cogman in Landon where I think one of if not the final battle takes place at least with Earth Locations.

Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871635)
Posted by Arsnof on April 4th, 2017 @ 10:06am CDT
dragons wrote:
Deadput wrote:
Seibertron wrote:
All of the movie faces are a disaster in my opinion. I gave up after the first movie. Optimus with the face shield used to look somewhat OK, but whatever they did to it for this movie made it a mess too. I don't understand why their faces have to be so overly complicated and weird looking. I'm assuming that they must look too cartoonish the more humanoid they look, but there's got to be a compromise somewhere.

Even from a design perspective, it seems like making Hot Rod's "face" silver or some other contrasting color to make it stand out against the color of his head would help make it pop some more to help give visual cues what we're looking at. We shouldn't be having to figure out that he has a humanoid face because someone did some highly zoomed in crop of an image of his head.

Well what's done is done the best we can hope for in the future are more faces like Crosshairs, Drift and Hound that are easy to make out but are distinct to thier character.

At least for the Autobots their faces are a bit creative and distinct from each other compared to G1 where you needed a different helmet, visor or different mouthplate shape to make them distinct because all the "liquid metal" human faces were 100 identical.

There really is no win win for any of us since for the franchise as a whole faces are either going to be to generic or too complicated.

Giant ALIEN robots born made on another planet that humans had no part in didn't strike any ideas besides alien nation name one alien that looks human humans head human ears human mouth and eyes aliens not man made shockwave , soundwave, scorponock laserbeak, ravage, whirl, tarn, fans want aliens looking like humans watch alien nation fans want giant alien robots from another planet had no human contact until crashed on earth watch transformers only thing changes on robots is outer shell what they change in to not there body does your face change when you have different color shirt on today same with transformers outer body to blend in robot mode stay true who they are as aliens from another planet with non human contact until earth alien movies species alien inside outer shell of human to blend in, predator, alien movie LIFE, mac and me, alf nit one those aliens stay and look human.

Transformers may as well be crated on earth if fans want them to have human faces and not created in space by aliens quntesons not human looking

They already turn from nice, useful vehicle modes into bodies that look entirely anthropoid. Two legs with knees in about the right place, torsos, arms with elbows, hands with fingers, heads on top of necks. Even with suspension of disbelief, from the evidence already presented in-universe, it's not too much to ask that they also have somewhat human faces.

Also, the 'Creators' visited Earth in the past (AoE) and Transformers have visted many, many times (Last Knight), plus what we have seen of the "Creators" (in concept art of an arm and a tiny, grainy picture of a toy), they also seem vaguely humanoid.

Even if you go by the comics where Empurata is a thing, Whirl still manages to clearly emote with his one eye. So "they're aliens" is no excuse for "their faces look like a Mountain Dew can went through a blender".
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871658)
Posted by Rodimus Knight on April 4th, 2017 @ 12:34pm CDT
I am still very saddened by Hot Rod here. would have been nice if they at least tried one to more closely match the source material. Well maybe once more, they did a bit last movie with Optimus Prime.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871664)
Posted by karyuudo on April 4th, 2017 @ 1:10pm CDT
Rodimus Knight wrote:I am still very saddened by Hot Rod here. would have been nice if they at least tried one to more closely match the source material. Well maybe once more, they did a bit last movie with Optimus Prime.

5 movies later and you're expecting that? :HEADHURTS:
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871677)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 4th, 2017 @ 2:11pm CDT
karyuudo wrote:I'll be there tonight :) Should be a fun event.

let us know your thoughts on it!
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871680)
Posted by karyuudo on April 4th, 2017 @ 2:29pm CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:
karyuudo wrote:I'll be there tonight :) Should be a fun event.

let us know your thoughts on it!

Definitely! I'll try and write something up when I get out of the event.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871693)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 4th, 2017 @ 3:42pm CDT
Seibertronian EvasionModeBumblebee dropped in to let us know that after yesterdays new renders of Hot Rod it appears that the News Transformers Instagram has posted more renders, this time for a dueling Optimus Prime and Megatron! The 2 warrior knights are seen weapons raised and lunging at each other in the image. Check it out below, and let us know what you think of the new renders in the comments section below!

Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871697)
Posted by SG Roadbuster on April 4th, 2017 @ 4:08pm CDT
my money is on this art being for a vs 2 pack.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871698)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on April 4th, 2017 @ 4:15pm CDT
SG Roadbuster wrote:my money is on this art being for a vs 2 pack.

That would be cool! Maybe we'll get a 2 pack with a better painted Optimus.
Re: Official Website for Transformers: The Last Knight Now Online (1871700)
Posted by Silverwing on April 4th, 2017 @ 4:19pm CDT
That art is glorious! :michaelbay:

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