Top 5 Beast Era Characters we Want to See in the Transformers Generations Toyline
Saturday, June 16th, 2018 2:02PM CDT
Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top ListsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 42,475
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Top 5 Beast Era Characters we Want to See in the Transformers Generations Toyline
Hasbro seems to favour G1 characters for their Generations line and that's fine for now (as long as we get good toys, I am happy). But another major element to the brand is the Beast Era (from the second half of the 90s) which revamped the brand and is a big reason why Transformers has continued while other great 80s toylines are long gone. It is great to see characters like Optimus Primal getting a new toy in the Generations line but others would be fun too. So here is a list of the characters fans and I would love to be able to purchase when they are released in the Generations line. And just like with the list of G1 characters we wanted, the idea here is that the molds are made with these specific characters in mind.
And if Hasbro is reading this, the order is ARBITRARY. I want to one day see all of these, do whichever one you want first, I won't mind.
5. Tigerhawk
When you look at Beast Wars toy that could be better, and more show accurate, you usually end up looking at season 1. Toys for characters from Seasons 2 and 3 for the most part have great show accuracy. But then you get to Tigerhawk and it all falls apart. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot to love about the original (and so far only) Tigerhawk toy, but it leaves a lot to be desired, especially if what you want is show accuracy. While the toy has an organic tiger head rather than a more robotic one (ala Transmetal Cheetor), the super weird part is that metallic blue hawk head you can use as a mask. It can recede but not hide away. Plus you get the odd right hand in robot mode with these molded on guns and the articulation is limited by all the mass surrounding the main body. I could also do with a better (coloured) head sculpt. There are just a lot of small changes that could be made to make make the toy even more awesome and show accurate.
- William-James88
4. Transtech Depthcharge
I was very late to the game on seeing those Transtech designs. And for the most part, I was ok with Hasbro moving on. Granted, I would have loved to follow the story and characters, but I wasn't in love with the designs. Too busy (and an odd foreshadowing of the busy designs we would see in the movies). But one I did immediately fall in love with was Depthcharge. The original Depthcharge toy is great and I don't really need another, especially since I know it probably would not retain the gimmicks which I find quite fun and crucial to show accuracy. But I would like to see this character on shelves again and reintroducing him in the War for Cybertron line as a submarine Transformer would be awesome. And come on, who doesn't want a submarine transformer?!
- William-James88
3. Thrust
When I wrote about wanting to seen Neo-G1 toys for Blackout and Sideways, I mentioned that the opportunity to make Neo-G1 toys were very present. That is the case with Beast Machines Thrust. Motorbike alt modes aren't incredibly rare, so it could be relatively easily done at any time. There is even a Digibash of BM Thrust using a mistransformed Groove mold- and it looks awesome!
Thrust got some love with the TFCC Thrusinator (which was an awesome idea). We already got an awesome Generations Waspinator. Let's get his Beast Machines self in there, too! Fans would love it! I'm ready. - Decepticon Finishline
2. BW/BM Silverbolt
One of the most beloved characters from the show, it would be great to get more toys of him on the shelves, in either of his designs. Personally, as I previously stated in a now almost obsolete list, I would very much want to get a decent toy of his Beast Machines design. Hasbro can even feel free to rework the alt mode as long as he doesn't end up as a partsformer with his head between his legs.
- William-James88
1. Terrorsaur
While I am very fond of the original toy as a toy, I never found him to be a good representation of the character. He is far too small and does not really look like Terrorsaur. So he is definitely long overdue. I am beyond curious to see what Hasbro and Takara would come up with as either a reinvention of the design paying homage or something closer to the screen (maybe in robot mode, with a major change for alt mode, who knows). Of course, my ideal version would be something that looks like the show in both modes but that's just because I lack imagination. All I know is that I have always wanted a better representation of Megatron's second in command (that's what Terrorsaur was right?) than the Beast Wars basic toy we got loooooong ago.
- William-James88
Honourable Mention: Beast Wars Megatron
I will never say no to a Beast Wars Megatron (as long as it's not just a random repaint for the hell of it ala POTP Cindersaur), but aside from the major breakage issue of the Transmetal toy, this is a character that has had plenty of great toys in the past with a jaw dropping Masterpiece on the way. So while I am sure no one would mind finding more BW Megs goodness on shelves, I don't consider him as high a priority as the others I mentioned above.
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Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on June 16th, 2018 @ 2:08pm CDT
Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 16th, 2018 @ 2:10pm CDT
Anyway, my list:
Megatron (any variation)
Blackarachnia (either version)
And Beast Machines can go to hell.
Posted by Wireless_Phantom on June 16th, 2018 @ 2:33pm CDT
Tarantulas-transmetal/original(but preferably transmetal)
Tigerhawk (and a Razorclaw repaint would be nice)
Lio Convoy (a proper one that isn't an repaint)
and basically everything from beast machines, because none of them have good figures that are in scale
Posted by Ig89ninja on June 16th, 2018 @ 3:37pm CDT
edit: yay, its gone!
Posted by Ultra Markus on June 16th, 2018 @ 3:53pm CDT
Posted by Stormtalon on June 16th, 2018 @ 4:09pm CDT
I'd like Megs to transform into a full on starship as his transmetal alt. And I'd like that to be scaled up to serve as a BW Trypticon/Nemesis. An ideal two birds, one stone kind of deal.
I'd also like Transmetal 2 Megatron. A dragon/t-rex fight is on my bucket list. And BW Megatron, the most ruthless and underhanded fighter of the bunch would be a mega-slugfest.
Posted by Easy Tiger on June 16th, 2018 @ 6:10pm CDT
(Tbh, this reply wad mostly an attempt to insert the missing /strike tag)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on June 16th, 2018 @ 6:34pm CDT
Silverbolt almost doesn't even need one, but I would like one with thigh rotation.
Blackarachnia would be nice, seeing as how the Legends is the only good version of the character and even then it does have some issues.
Tarantulas would also be fun, in is Transmetal form, as that design was killer. You can even use Nick Roche's design for him, seeing as how he is entirely organic like the season 1 guys but uses the TM body as the basis for the design instead of the original.
They need to do a generations Terrorsaur, he needs it.
Posted by dflash on June 16th, 2018 @ 7:15pm CDT
Botanica- she was a very unique plant based transformer and we never got a toy of her.
Nightscream- not my favorite character but we only got one version of him and it was enormous and not show accurate. Deluxe class would be good.
Jetstorm- another that wasn’t show accurate.
Black arachnia- the original black and gold version. This could double as Tarantulas.
Beast Machines Rattrap- deluxe and show accurate.
A Dinobot with a beast mode chest that doesn’t look terrible. There needs to be something else to do with the robot legs.
Polarclaw- he looked cool but I never got my hands on one.
Spittor and Claw jaw- the two that I bought just for fun and rekindled my love for Transformers which is still going strong today.
Make it happen Hasbro! And fill the store shelves! I can’t buy them if I can’t find them!
Posted by Randomhero on June 16th, 2018 @ 7:25pm CDT
I don’t mean to sound to sound so antagonistic because I enjoy reading these but I’m not a fan of these lists of wants
Posted by william-james88 on June 16th, 2018 @ 8:33pm CDT
Ig89ninja wrote:gah!! the strike glitch is back in the actual article!!!
edit: yay, its gone!
Thanks for letting me know!
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:WAT
Haha, I cant get them all in a top 5. Good thing Hasbro reads the comments as well as the articles.
Randomhero wrote:I’m sorry Will I’ve always praised your lists but I do not like these lists of wants because your speaking on behalf of everyone by saying ‘We want’. That implies you’re speaking for everyone.
I don’t mean to sound to sound so antagonistic because I enjoy reading these but I’m not a fan of these lists of wants
I totally get that. But I do try to write more than just what I want. This list was co written with another member for instance and the previous list was not written by me. Plus, I look at the boards to get a sense of what people want. It worked really well for this list of wants which seemed to be spot on of what the majority wanted :
With Beast Wars I looked at characters we have not gotten in a long time and characters people have wanted to the point of making customs or buying the expensive club figures. Terrorsaur always comes on top of most wanted Beast Wars characters since there are so few options out there (especially in his pterodactyl mode) and Blackarachnia used to be a very requested figure, we have since gotten a decent one in the Legends class so I gave the spot to others.
So of course I cant speak for everyone, but these are the characters I see people wanting, and this list was not just written by me. The problem is fans are so different in their likes and dislikes one to the next that even when I compile what we want most as a group, it might be something totally different to what you like. The two comments from this very thread are a great example:
Wireless_Phantom wrote:and basically everything from beast machines, because none of them have good figures that are in scale
Rodimus Prime wrote:And Beast Machines can go to hell.
So yeah, not easy to please everyone. And dont worry, you didnt seem antagonistic in the least, I appreciate your support. These past 3 lists were all want lists because we wanted to strike while the iron was hot with these upcoming generations lines coming out in the next 3 years. But from here on out it will be back to the lists you like which deals with the best stuff out there in terms of Transformers. You know what, why don't you pick for me. Would you rather the next top 5 be about best G1 Pretenders, best Ultra Magus toys, Best Hot Rod toys, Best insects tf toys, best cyberverse commander toys, best comic book covers, best looking car alt modes, best RID 2015 toys and best beast wars catchphrases.
Posted by Thannak on June 16th, 2018 @ 9:17pm CDT
Also, just for fun how about this guy?
Posted by TulioDude on June 16th, 2018 @ 10:53pm CDT
We were close to having another updated Beast Wats toy:
I remenber a few years ago we got this prototype of Beast Wars Megatron remold from Fall of Cybertron Grimlock.I would imagine they were saving for the Beast Wars anniversary.But aside the prototype on ebay we never heard of that again!
Posted by Evil Eye on June 17th, 2018 @ 8:03am CDT
Others I'd like to see:
Blackarachnia. The Legends figure was nice, but I still feel we need a more definitive update. Particularly I feel she needs the spider legs on her shoulders and the claw-hands. A BWMP would be awesome but even a good CHUG rendition would be nice.
Tripredacus: The original toys (sans Ramhorn) were pretty damn cool, but if we got an updated Tripredacus that didn't have an errant crap member, was a bit bigger and most importantly wasn't the...thing Botcon gave us, I'd probably buy it. Tripredacus was an awesome design and a modernized update would be great.
Tarantulas: I have the old Transmetal toy and he's awesome but I feel a new Tarantulas wouldn't go amiss. Especially one based on his original more organic spider mode.
Dinobot: Sure we have the incredible looking (though monstrously complex and rather expensive) MP to look forward to but a new CHUG Dinobot would be brilliant. All the toys made of him thus far have been kinda terrible, and a proper CHUG update would rock.
Inferno: Quite aside from anything else, a new Inferno means the possibility of a new Antagony.
Posted by Ultra Markus on June 17th, 2018 @ 3:09pm CDT
Posted by Optimutt on June 17th, 2018 @ 6:12pm CDT
Posted by shajaki on June 17th, 2018 @ 7:48pm CDT
Posted by Epsilon Delta on June 17th, 2018 @ 11:55pm CDT
Tigerhawk,Transmetal Tarantulus, TM Megatron (fixed so no breakage of course), TM2 Megatron, and Rampage with TM Primal.
I feel the Transmetals/Fuzors toys were pretty much great. Show accurate for the most part, and great designs. That's what I like in my toys. The original Depthcharge is one of my favorite Transformers ever. Great design, cool character, and great gimmicks. I need Rampage to complete this epic rivalry.
And now if we are going with the redesigns for the toys:
All the pre-Transmetals toys (besides the ones we already got of course) because I mean those originals just don't do it. I would like a redesign for TM2 Megatron. His dragon mode looked amazing, but his bot mode needs a redesign with a change in his tail-head.
If we are talking all new designs to the characters to make them in line with a G1 mechanical animal, awesome. Or sort of their Cybertronian forms, cool. But if we are giving them vehicle modes to fit in the G1 cartoon, then I would say:
Cheetor as a slick yellow/blue hover car like his TM design, Terrosaur as a jet that kept his wing-arm design, Depthcharge as the submarine would be awesome, Scorponok as a backhoe, Megatron as an osprey like his TM design, and Waspinator I feel could be a remold of Generations Springer with the colors being similar already and would fit Waspinator as a flyer anyways.
But my number one want from the Beast Era in the Generations line is:
Majin Zarak. Bring me him as the Titan Class figure.
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on June 18th, 2018 @ 8:31am CDT
william-james88 wrote:2. BW/BM Silverbolt
One of the most beloved characters from the show
Otherwise, a good list.
Personally, I would like to see the BW Generations fix some figures that either didn't work or went undervalued.
1. Retrax - Remove the spring-loaded gimmick and in the words of Kup "Fix Me!"
2. Iguanus - How about giving him an actual Iguana altmode???
3. Transquito - How does the first actual Triple Changer of BW go under the radar? A new more modern figure should go a long way to address that.
3-5. Here I'd like to see some redecos and retools.
TM Optimus Primal - Apeface. Bright shiny purple Beast Mode: Complete with visor in bot mode.
Bat-Primal/TM2 Sonar - Ratbat. A redeco of Bat-Primal or a retool & redeco of Sonar. It's weird that neither a 'Mindwipe' or 'Ratbat' existed during the Beast Era.
TM Terrorsaur - Laserbeak. Strangely enough, Laserbeak did exist within BW as a redeco of Terrorsaur's original figure. Yet he is far better suited to the TM version, especially in light of the third mode. Simply take TM Terrorsaur and outfit him in the colour scheme of G1 Laserbeak. It would look awesome.
Honourable mentions -
TM Dinobot - Show us what it would have been, HasTak.
Cybershark - Because f*ck the derivative Sky-Byte! Give us the better designed and original Shark-bot of Beast Wars.
Posted by william-james88 on June 18th, 2018 @ 8:41am CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:
TM Dinobot - Show us what it would have been, HasTak.
Did you know we had a licenced toy of TM Dinobot?
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on June 18th, 2018 @ 8:44am CDT
william-james88 wrote:AllNewSuperRobot wrote:
TM Dinobot - Show us what it would have been, HasTak.
Did you know we had a licenced toy of TM Dinobot?
Yes. That and "TM Scorponok" can burn in The Pit alongside the Beast Machines Maximal toys.
What I want is this:
Posted by Rodimus Knight on June 18th, 2018 @ 9:47am CDT
BW silverbolt would be great to see redone.
BW original Blackarachnia needs to have a good version made.
Posted by william-james88 on June 18th, 2018 @ 10:10am CDT
Rodimus Knight wrote:BW original Blackarachnia needs to have a good version made.
I thought we got that
Posted by Evil Eye on June 18th, 2018 @ 10:21am CDT
william-james88 wrote:Rodimus Knight wrote:BW original Blackarachnia needs to have a good version made.
I thought we got that
She's alright from what I hear bar a few problems. The torso misassembly which everyone knows about by now, the gold parts supposedly have breakage issues similar but not identical to GPS (argh!) and in general, she looks more like Animated Blackarachnia cosplaying as the BW character. Still looks good, but not a definitive update IMO. Also, those translucent tits? They form the pedipalps in spider mode, which is a cool feature, but only male spiders have enlarged pedipalps like that. So either Blackarachnia is suffering from Waspinatoritis (mismatched sex of beast mode and robot mode) or she has more than meets the eye, so to speak.
Not counting the BWMP line, if we do get a CHUG Blackarachnia I wouldn't mind seeing her with a golden orb weaver spider mode. Whilst it isn't accurate to the show (where she was a black widow, complete with spherical abdomen) the orb weaver's abdomen is quite long and pointy, and thus could easily form her legs. Plus it's a big scary spider.
Posted by Emerje on June 18th, 2018 @ 2:43pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Rodimus Knight wrote:BW original Blackarachnia needs to have a good version made.
I thought we got that
My problems with her is that she has regular hands instead of her normal pincer claws (I wish they gave her optional pincers that fit over her hands), and she's freakishly big compared to modern Generations figures when she's supposed to be a relatively short character.
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on June 18th, 2018 @ 3:39pm CDT
Emerje wrote: when she's supposed to be a relatively short character.
You say that and yet I bet when MP Blackarachnia is eventually released, some will complain about how small she is...
On par with Rattrap.
Posted by Bucky on June 19th, 2018 @ 2:57am CDT
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on June 19th, 2018 @ 6:56am CDT
Bucky wrote:As many times as I’ve watched Beast Wars, including a very recent viewing, I never took notice of how short Scorponok is, and how tall Terrorsaur is. Their respective toys were wildly out of proportion.
Indeed, that's why MP Terrorsaur won't be quite as "impossible" as some assume. HasTak will actually have quite a big figure to work with. As for Scorponok... Other than the toy, I'm trying to think of a way he isn't just a disappointment overall.
Posted by william-james88 on June 19th, 2018 @ 7:27am CDT
Posted by Bucky on June 19th, 2018 @ 9:00am CDT
This is another great list you guys put together. Of those five, I think I’d like to see a new Tigerhawk (with robotic tiger head, yes, please), and especially a new Terrorsaur. I’m a sucker for any sycophantic Starscream types. I think it would be awesome if they updated his toy, and then did a bunch of redecos for an armada of Beast Wars styled Seekers.
Beast Machines was fine. I’ve never been a real big fan, but I never disliked it. However some updated vehicons would be pretty neat. Thrust did have the best design out of the first three cons. An updated Obsidian and Strika would be cool, too. And while BM wasn’t a favorite of mine, I’m admittedly curious to know what might have been with Transtech.
I don’t envy you the task of narrowing down these top five lists. Especially for something like The Beast Era, which I have a ton of love for. I said as much in the last top five list, when you said BW/BM was next, but Airazor would still be my number one pick.
Posted by william-james88 on June 19th, 2018 @ 9:49am CDT
Bucky wrote:I don’t envy you the task of narrowing down these top five lists. Especially for something like The Beast Era, which I have a ton of love for. I said as much in the last top five list, when you said BW/BM was next, but Airazor would still be my number one pick.
She's an awesome character, I hope she gets a new toy too And since she does have some kind of backpack in robot mode, she seems a tad more feasable than Terrorsaur.
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on June 19th, 2018 @ 2:22pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Bucky wrote:I don’t envy you the task of narrowing down these top five lists. Especially for something like The Beast Era, which I have a ton of love for. I said as much in the last top five list, when you said BW/BM was next, but Airazor would still be my number one pick.
She's an awesome character, I hope she gets a new toy too And since she does have some kind of backpack in robot mode, she seems a tad more feasable than Terrorsaur.
It's funny you say that about Airazor. As I've noted elsewhere I've been on a mini collecting spree with Beast Wars of late. Completing my collection of the Shark and Wolf mold variants and something occurred to me. Within the Beast Wars "Wave 1" Airazor is one of a kind. There were no other characters used for that mold, retool or redeco. Other than some of the Fuzors having wings, Bird Bots were actually quite rare within Beast Wars: Airazor, Silverbolt (the Eagle) and Prowl II. Perhaps that fact speaks more to their actual popularity within the BW fanbase as a whole?
Anyway, Vehicons. Personally, I could care less about the Vehicons used in BM to get a Generations Figure. Much like the Fuzors, the designs that didn't make the show were so much better.
Mirage and Scavenger were fantastic Vehicons that could really do with a size upgrade. A voyager class Scavenger, for example, would look awesome. The Vehicons are a virtual untapped goldmine of potential, largely wasted on out of continuity books and such.
Posted by Emerje on June 19th, 2018 @ 3:03pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:I am surprised this became a discussion of scale when its not something the generations line has ever been known for. The Beast Wars MPs are all about scale, but I thought some of us just wanted decent gen toys of Beast Wars characters for now.
Generations isn't about scale, but it still has a rough sense of it. I wouldn't expect Blackarachnia to be a Legends class figure, but I also wouldn't expect her to be as tall as a Voyager. I have this Blackarachnia and she just looks out of place with everything else.
Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 19th, 2018 @ 4:55pm CDT
Posted by Ultra Markus on June 19th, 2018 @ 6:34pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:So no one else wants a Beast Wars Ravage...?
Now that you mentioned it
A beast wars ravage that's not a combiner
That has beast robot and some sort of vehicle or cassette modes
Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 20th, 2018 @ 12:16am CDT
I meant a screen accurate Ravage. Obviously he couldn't be a small enough cassette to fit into MP or G1 Soundwave, but maybe he could pull off a real life cassette size.Ultra Markus wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:So no one else wants a Beast Wars Ravage...?
Now that you mentioned it
A beast wars ravage that's not a combiner
That has beast robot and some sort of vehicle or cassette modes
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on June 20th, 2018 @ 12:22am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:I meant a screen accurate Ravage. Obviously he couldn't be a small enough cassette to fit into MP or G1 Soundwave, but maybe he could pull off a real life cassette size.Ultra Markus wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:So no one else wants a Beast Wars Ravage...?
Now that you mentioned it
A beast wars ravage that's not a combiner
That has beast robot and some sort of vehicle or cassette modes
Regular or Micro
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on June 20th, 2018 @ 8:28am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:I meant a screen accurate Ravage. Obviously he couldn't be a small enough cassette to fit into MP or G1 Soundwave, but maybe he could pull off a real life cassette size.Ultra Markus wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:So no one else wants a Beast Wars Ravage...?
Now that you mentioned it
A beast wars ravage that's not a combiner
That has beast robot and some sort of vehicle or cassette modes
Should they ever make MP Beast Wars Ravage, that is exactly what I want. Roughly TM Cheetor with a Cassette Altmode. However for Generations, in particular a Beast Era-centric line, Personally I think they should just stick to the characters of the era. No Grimlock, Prowl, Ravage etc
Magmatron being another one off the top of my head that could do with a decent figure. I may not like the Japanese BW shows and what they did to several of the toy designs I really like, but some of their cast have merit.
Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 21st, 2018 @ 2:57am CDT
I get no Prowl or Grimlock, but Ravage was an integral part of the end of Beast Wars. He should get a toy. Besides, he is a G1 character directly affecting the event, lives and futures of the next generation of characters, so if there ever was a poster bot for a line called "Generations," he is it. I understand there were other cross-generational characters/events, but Ravage was 1 of the earliest ones and likely 1 of the most impactful as far as story goes.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:However for Generations, in particular a Beast Era-centric line, Personally I think they should just stick to the characters of the era. No Grimlock, Prowl, Ravage etc.
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on June 21st, 2018 @ 8:13am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:I get no Prowl or Grimlock, but Ravage was an integral part of the end of Beast Wars. He should get a toy. Besides, he is a G1 character directly affecting the event, lives and futures of the next generation of characters, so if there ever was a poster bot for a line called "Generations," he is it. I understand there were other cross-generational characters/events, but Ravage was 1 of the earliest ones and likely 1 of the most impactful as far as story goes.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:However for Generations, in particular a Beast Era-centric line, Personally I think they should just stick to the characters of the era. No Grimlock, Prowl, Ravage etc.
But where do you draw the line? Starscream, albeit indirectly, is integral to Beast Wars. Starscream begat Rampage and he greatly influenced the world around him. So does he get a toy?
Likewise, Optimal Optimus and TM 2 Megatron wouldn't exist without their G1 counterparts, which greatly influences Season 3 and Beast Machines. So do they get toys too?
Posted by william-james88 on June 21st, 2018 @ 9:18am CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:I get no Prowl or Grimlock, but Ravage was an integral part of the end of Beast Wars. He should get a toy. Besides, he is a G1 character directly affecting the event, lives and futures of the next generation of characters, so if there ever was a poster bot for a line called "Generations," he is it. I understand there were other cross-generational characters/events, but Ravage was 1 of the earliest ones and likely 1 of the most impactful as far as story goes.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:However for Generations, in particular a Beast Era-centric line, Personally I think they should just stick to the characters of the era. No Grimlock, Prowl, Ravage etc.
But where do you draw the line? Starscream, albeit indirectly, is integral to Beast Wars. Starscream begat Rampage and he greatly influenced the world around him. So does he get a toy?
Likewise, Optimal Optimus and TM 2 Megatron wouldn't exist without their G1 counterparts, which greatly influences Season 3 and Beast Machines. So do they get toys too?
There is an appearance of Unicron as well
Anyways, I thik the big difference between Ravage and all other G1 cameos on the show is that Ravage was reformatted to become a Predacon with a new body and everything. To the point that even though its the same character, we need to say we are talking about Beast Wars Ravage when talking about this form of his to be properly understood. This iteration of Ravage is proper to the Beast Era.
I think its a great character to bring up. The reason I did not put him on the list is because I think he is a pipe dream, at least the way people are expressing what they want.
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on June 21st, 2018 @ 9:33am CDT
Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 22nd, 2018 @ 1:06am CDT
Starscream wouldn't, because he didn't have a body, just a spark that took over another bot. And both G1 Prime and Megatron, as well as Optimal Optimus and TM2 Megatron, have toys, even though I would like to see a Generations line update of the latter 2, as well as Rampage, even if he did get some love at a recent BotCon. That figure was a repaint though, it wasn't really screen accurate.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:But where do you draw the line? Starscream, albeit indirectly, is integral to Beast Wars. Starscream begat Rampage and he greatly influenced the world around him. So does he get a toy?
Likewise, Optimal Optimus and TM 2 Megatron wouldn't exist without their G1 counterparts, which greatly influences Season 3 and Beast Machines. So do they get toys too?
Posted by OptimusPrimeval on June 22nd, 2018 @ 3:25am CDT
BWII Galvatron. We have plenty of Lioconvoys, where's his nemesis?
BWN Big Convoy. Only one toy? Really?
Terrorsaur. Show sized! He should be at least a voyager!
TMII Dinobot. A better one, larger, with articulation.
Botanica. Finally! For completion's sake!
Posted by Emerje on June 22nd, 2018 @ 3:00pm CDT
OptimusPrimeval wrote:BWN Big Convoy. Only one toy? Really?
Here's your second Big Convoy figure, in CHUG style no less, dressing up as a Decepticon and calling himself Big Fight to motivate Blitzwing.
Happy now?
Posted by OptimusPrimeval on June 23rd, 2018 @ 9:31am CDT
Emerje wrote:OptimusPrimeval wrote:BWN Big Convoy. Only one toy? Really?
Here's your second Big Convoy figure, in CHUG style no less, dressing up as a Decepticon and calling himself Big Fight to motivate Blitzwing.
Happy now?
He's neither big, nor a Convoy, nor a Maximal. He's the wrong colours, the wrong animal, and he's more an accessory than a figure! So I'm happy... to stick with my statement that there's only one Big Convoy toy!
Posted by william-james88 on June 23rd, 2018 @ 6:33pm CDT
Looks the part enough in a generations line.
Plus I remember when there were 4 chan rumours of a Beast Wars subline in Power of the Primes (which turned out false), part of the rumours was that Hasbro would be releasing Takara's Legends Blackarachnia and lots of fans were happy. So to see all this disdain for that same toy now seems odd.
Posted by Epsilon Delta on June 23rd, 2018 @ 8:55pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Just wanted to go back to the Blackarachnia discssion for a bit. The Legends/Generations one we got 2 years ago might not be perfect, but I really dont think its a bad choice to the point that we should concentrate on another toy of her rather than another character and this pic shows what I was thinking:
Looks the part enough in a generations line.
Plus I remember when there were 4 chan rumours of a Beast Wars subline in Power of the Primes (which turned out false), part of the rumours was that Hasbro would be releasing Takara's Legends Blackarachnia and lots of fans were happy. So to see all this disdain for that same toy now seems odd.
Fandoms are frequently fairly fickle
Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 25th, 2018 @ 12:15am CDT
Back on topic, that Blackarachnia from a couple of years ago is pretty decent.
Posted by Emerje on June 26th, 2018 @ 1:54am CDT
william-james88 wrote:Just wanted to go back to the Blackarachnia discssion for a bit. The Legends/Generations one we got 2 years ago might not be perfect, but I really dont think its a bad choice to the point that we should concentrate on another toy of her rather than another character and this pic shows what I was thinking:
Looks the part enough in a generations line.
Plus I remember when there were 4 chan rumours of a Beast Wars subline in Power of the Primes (which turned out false), part of the rumours was that Hasbro would be releasing Takara's Legends Blackarachnia and lots of fans were happy. So to see all this disdain for that same toy now seems odd.
Problem is she's supposed to be the same size as Rattrap, not a giant like Rhinox. There are some things I can forgive, but that isn't one of them. If they were to make a new Silverbolt figure he would most certainly be a Deluxe figure and she would tower over him, there's just nothing right about that. For me an ideal figure would be a small Deluxe, not a giant one.
And I wonder if the people excited about the prospects of the Legends figure being released here actually understood how massive she is.