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Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed!

Transformers News: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed!

Monday, August 8th, 2016 8:17PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Digital Media News
Posted by: Bronzewolf   Views: 84,104

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Seibertronians, it's official, the Transformers 5 Instagram is on fire! The past week has been filled to the brim with character reveals and other The Last Knight news, and today we bring you the latest, thanks to user SurviveFan23. This time, it's Hound! Not only does this confirm he'll be returning for the new movie, it also confirms he'll be the Medic Truck that's been rolling out with the rest of the Autobots, as seen below.
The new Alternate mode seems to have little impact on his robot mode however, as the only noticeable difference is the addition of multiple red crosses on various parts of his body. How this gun-toting fat ballerina got to be the crews medic has yet to be revealed, but we will let you know when that sort of information becomes available. For the time being, enjoy Hound's new image below!
Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Discussion Thread
Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Discussion Thread
And now check out his new robot mode!
Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Discussion Thread
Credit(s): Transformers Movie Instagram

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Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813442)
Posted by Shuttershock on August 8th, 2016 @ 8:21pm CDT
I feel like this might violate the Geneva Convention.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813448)
Posted by JazZeke on August 8th, 2016 @ 8:42pm CDT
I'm pretty sure they don't write dialogue for Hound, they just record John Goodman on a drunken vendor.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813469)
Posted by Ultra Markus on August 8th, 2016 @ 9:51pm CDT
i guess since ratchets dead someone has to play nurse ;)^
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813476)
Posted by SureShot18 on August 8th, 2016 @ 10:18pm CDT
I'm not sure if having a medic with a finger that's always on the trigger is a good idea. :-? Could be interesting seeing him try to become a medic, though.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813482)
Posted by tonedef81 on August 8th, 2016 @ 10:29pm CDT
With every shot at Decepticon...


Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813484)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 8th, 2016 @ 10:32pm CDT
They'd better give his toy the dang beer belly this time around! :lol:
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813486)
Posted by welcometothedarksyde on August 8th, 2016 @ 10:34pm CDT
Let's see them somehow manage to get that elusive red cross symbol :lol: money smooths over all disagreements
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813487)
Posted by BERSEKAEL on August 8th, 2016 @ 10:36pm CDT
I pray to get "legion class" back
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813490)
Posted by Noideaforaname on August 8th, 2016 @ 10:50pm CDT
Who died and let Hound become medic?
...oh right.

Would've been rather cosmically hilarious if Drift became the new medic, given his comic counterpart's friendship with Ratchet.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813492)
Posted by Deadput on August 8th, 2016 @ 11:14pm CDT
I'm pretty sure Hound is the medic now because irony.

I'm sure there will be a reason in the film for him being one.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813497)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on August 8th, 2016 @ 11:44pm CDT
Shuttershock wrote:I feel like this might violate the Geneva Convention.

I genuinely laughed out loud at this one!

JazZeke wrote:I'm pretty sure they don't write dialogue for Hound, they just record John Goodman on a drunken vendor.

And also at this one!

tonedef81 wrote:With every shot at Decepticon...



I didn't actually laugh out loud at this one, but I definitely chuckled.

Good stuff, folks.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813501)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on August 9th, 2016 @ 12:50am CDT
Awesome. I loved Hound in AoE. He was a lot of fun and has a great design. :)
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813506)
Posted by Nexus Knight on August 9th, 2016 @ 1:14am CDT
I can totally see him quoting Prime Ratchet from the "Stronger, Faster" after beating shooting up a bunch of 'Cons- "Don't worry, I'm an emergency vehicle."
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813515)
Posted by Munkky on August 9th, 2016 @ 2:46am CDT
Trying to picture Hhound as a medic, and the first thing I thought of was Ana Amari from Overwatch, and her sniper rifle with healing bullets.

Hound: "Don't worry, I'll heal your injuries with my special healing bullets!"
Injured Autobot: "Healing WHAT?"
Hound: "........Oh wait, those were normal bullets....."
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813519)
Posted by on August 9th, 2016 @ 5:06am CDT
Well... I think this AoE line is simply ugly. The deisgn of all the bots is too anthro, even with some ridicolous features (Hound with belly and beard!). I don't mean they've to remind G1 style, absolutely: but this design wipes out all the alt modes pieces (except for the motorcar brands, of course: money is money) showing bots like men in metal suits and nothing more.

I think the previous line had a more balanceed look (TF1-2-3): I know they've to change shapet to sell more toys, but there were many ways to change and this was a bad way, in my opinion.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813522)
Posted by ZeroWolf on August 9th, 2016 @ 6:12am CDT
I don't know some have always looked like this style and there's been beard on bots since G1 and animated rachet had a belly to help with the impression that he was the oldest. Still if you don't like the style then fair enough, wouldn't be the first time in this fandom that a style choice divided fans :lol:
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813526)
Posted by Burn on August 9th, 2016 @ 6:47am CDT
Because I'm a prick and because I found this funny, I just have to share in the hopes that others find it funny.

And if you take offence to it, well ... that just makes it funnier. :-P
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813531)
Posted by Bleak5170 on August 9th, 2016 @ 7:22am CDT
As a Ratchet fan I'm kind of offended by this, (okay not really offended but still...). Hound - the movie version at least - is pretty much the complete opposite of a medic.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813540)
Posted by Tyrannacon on August 9th, 2016 @ 7:57am CDT
Burn wrote:Because I'm a prick and because I found this funny, I just have to share in the hopes that others find it funny.

And if you take offence to it, well ... that just makes it funnier. :-P

Probably the most accurate image ever to this situation. :lol:

While I dislike Michael Bay as a person as he just sounds like an overall unpleasant human being to me; I do have a soft spot for these movies since the first one did revitalize my interest in TFs actually. So it's why I'm tolerant of them mostly. Though I do have my own critical moments myself.

I wonder if the reason why Hound took a "medic form" is an ode to Ratchet maybe? Would definitely be a nice way to explain it if they decide to actually give it some depth.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813556)
Posted by VonDoom on August 9th, 2016 @ 8:57am CDT
First thing I thought of on seeing hound as a medic :D
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813578)
Posted by ZeroWolf on August 9th, 2016 @ 9:42am CDT
Burn wrote:Because I'm a prick and because I found this funny, I just have to share in the hopes that others find it funny.

And if you take offence to it, well ... that just makes it funnier. :-P

Love it, and very true.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813608)
Posted by Hero Alpha on August 9th, 2016 @ 11:02am CDT
Bleak5170 wrote:As a Ratchet fan I'm kind of offended by this, (okay not really offended but still...). Hound - the movie version at least - is pretty much the complete opposite of a medic.

I was in the army and a medic, and I had my finger on a trigger most of the time too lol. Seriously though G1 Sunbow First Aid was a big influence on my being a medic. With the TF movies I try not to get bent out of shape too much about looks and stuff. After this long I have accepted what they are and just enjoy them. I still have my G1/IDW/Prime etc. Although Barricade, Crosshairs, Sideways, Megatrons and 1-3 Optimus are pretty good looking.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813682)
Posted by Underc3211 on August 9th, 2016 @ 1:52pm CDT
This isn't movie hot rod; this is movie wild rider. He at least needs more red than black to at least look like he could be hot rod. I'm just happy that the transformers look more like transformers now.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813683)
Posted by Underc3211 on August 9th, 2016 @ 1:58pm CDT
As a medic I think I might trust shattered glass ratchet a little more than movie hound.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813778)
Posted by Bronzewolf on August 9th, 2016 @ 8:14pm CDT
Seibertronians, are you hyped enough for TF5 yet? The official movie Instagram doesn't seem to think so! After a week of almost non-stop Autobot robot-mode reveals, they've moved on to Decepticons! The first one out of the gate is Barricade! Barricade put in an appearance in both the 2007 movie we well as Dark of the Moon, but hasn't been seen since. But he sticks to his trend of appearing in the odd-numbered movies with his latest appearance.
And speaking of his latest appearance, he has gone through quite a change-up. His robot mode is now a whole lot smoother and his head now resembles Bumblebee with his mask down (Dude must hold a grudge or something). He also appears to take after Hound, with a whole host of weapons available, which include right-arm mounted tasers, a multi-barreled gun over his left arm, a right hip mounted gun, and even some brass knuckles sporting the options of "Protect/Serve" or "Punish/Enslave" for some nice lettered up punch marks (look on his back for the alternate knuckles). Check his new robot mode out below!
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813780)
Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on August 9th, 2016 @ 8:22pm CDT
I hate the slight resemblance to Bumblebee with the mast down, but I love the design over all. Especially the knuckle dusters, that's awesome. Still not going to see the movie in theaters, but I like the design here!
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813781)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on August 9th, 2016 @ 8:25pm CDT
Barricade's knuckles say "protect" on one hand and "serve" on the other, but on his elbows he has another set with "Punish" and "enslave". Interesting. . ..
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813782)
Posted by MrGameAndToy on August 9th, 2016 @ 8:25pm CDT
Bronzewolf wrote: The first one out of the gate is Barricade, the bit who hasn't been seen since the first TF movie, back in 2007!

Actually, he was in DoTM. He was with Soundwave, then proceeded to get shot in the face by some humans.

Also, *bot.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813786)
Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on August 9th, 2016 @ 8:33pm CDT
I just realized the amount of stuff he has hanging off of him! He's got a side-arm on his right hip, a baton on his left, multi-barreled weapon on his left arm, two tazer-looking things on his right arm, hand cuffs, knuckle dusters. I really like his look!
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813787)
Posted by Sigma Magnus on August 9th, 2016 @ 8:35pm CDT
...well this is just awesome. :michaelbay:
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813789)
Posted by Kurona on August 9th, 2016 @ 8:38pm CDT
It's... a decent design, but I'm having trouble picking out similarities to Barricade. Or have I just not seen Movie Barricade in that long? I'm not the only one who thinks the two Barricades look completely different, right?
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813791)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on August 9th, 2016 @ 8:40pm CDT
Kurona wrote:It's... a decent design, but I'm having trouble picking out similarities to Barricade. Or have I just not seen Movie Barricade in that long? I'm not the only one who thinks the two Barricades look completely different, right?

Same as I thought at first, but now that I look at how this design itself looks, IT LOOKS BADASS. I do kinda miss the alien-like look of Barricade from before though.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813792)
Posted by #Sideways# on August 9th, 2016 @ 8:40pm CDT
I thought he showed up -- and promptly died -- in TF3, breaking his hiatus from the films?

Regardless, I actually quite like this design for him. But somehow, and I know this sounds odd, but I almost wish that he and Bee teamed up to fight the Quintessions or something like that.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813800)
Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on August 9th, 2016 @ 8:50pm CDT
Man, I KNOW he's going to be a background character with an unsatisfying death, but I swear I would love to see him use all those weapons and such in inventive ways in a fight, like what Hound did in AoE.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813802)
Posted by Noideaforaname on August 9th, 2016 @ 8:50pm CDT
It's really weird how they made an unrecognizable redesign of their own character.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813803)
Posted by RiddlerJ on August 9th, 2016 @ 8:52pm CDT
I don't mind the changes to the body, but I wish they kept the same head so there's some resemblance to the old Barricade.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813808)
Posted by Jeddostotle7 on August 9th, 2016 @ 9:00pm CDT
I hope that face is just a mask that flips down over his face, and his real face looks more similar to his old face (even if it's made somewhat more human-like).
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813810)
Posted by Omega-Doom on August 9th, 2016 @ 9:08pm CDT
The second movie was Revenge of the Fallen, not Dark of the moon.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813812)
Posted by SureShot18 on August 9th, 2016 @ 9:13pm CDT
Now HasTak you better have an awesome toy in the works for this cool design. ;)
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813813)
Posted by Tyrannacon on August 9th, 2016 @ 9:15pm CDT
Well someone has had some luck with some upgrades at least.

I would very much like to see Megatron and Onslaught as well, but mostly Megatron. Because of reasons/obsession.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813828)
Posted by Bronzewolf on August 9th, 2016 @ 9:57pm CDT
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you guys know that the errors previously mentioned have been corrected. Sorry, it's been a long day. :lol: :HEADHURTS:
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813845)
Posted by Sabrblade on August 9th, 2016 @ 10:50pm CDT
That is one extreme makeover. Even his head and face are completely different.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813849)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 9th, 2016 @ 11:08pm CDT
I like the new design. That is an awesome look
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813850)
Posted by JazZeke on August 9th, 2016 @ 11:13pm CDT
I dig it too. I just might break down and get that toy, if it's any good.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813853)
Posted by Noideaforaname on August 9th, 2016 @ 11:24pm CDT
SureShot18 wrote:Now HasTak you better have an awesome toy in the works for this cool design. ;)

Can't wait to see how they manage to reshape the car door into a shoehorn.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813859)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on August 10th, 2016 @ 12:50am CDT
Yay Barricade! I love his old look but this is good too. Keen to see the toy.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813867)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on August 10th, 2016 @ 3:19am CDT
Yeah Barricade looks like crap, but thats to be expected. The original was one of the few bayformer designs i actually liked, and just like with everyone else they go and make him look like some junkyard gundamn/zentraedi looking thing with stupid accessories.
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813893)
Posted by dragons on August 10th, 2016 @ 7:28am CDT
Jeddostotle7 wrote:I hope that face is just a mask that flips down over his face, and his real face looks more similar to his old face (even if it's made somewhat more human-like).

Transformers where never human like giant alien robots from another planet transform aliens look human are goku and superman other aliens don't look human predator, aliens from alien series how are you suppose to humanize giant alien looking robots that never saw human to look more human in face someone says alien giant robot I expect to see non human face on fifty foot tall robot unless barricade is human man made then it will change everything as humans did trying make there own evil prime

I like of him if they his alien looking face instead
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813896)
Posted by Bradimus on August 10th, 2016 @ 8:08am CDT
SillySpringer wrote:
Kurona wrote:It's... a decent design, but I'm having trouble picking out similarities to Barricade. Or have I just not seen Movie Barricade in that long? I'm not the only one who thinks the two Barricades look completely different, right?

Same as I thought at first, but now that I look at how this design itself looks, IT LOOKS BADASS. I do kinda miss the alien-like look of Barricade from before though.

He's got the doors on his forearms and the wheels on his shoulders. Looks like Barricade to me. ;)^
Re: Transformers 5: The Last Knight Hound Robot Mode Revealed! (1813916)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on August 10th, 2016 @ 9:09am CDT
I like everything but the head. It really does look like Bumblebee.

Maybe if we complain enough, they'll chNge it like they did with the 2007 Megatron head design?

Also everyone, keep in mind that there will probably be some tweeks to these designs anyways. These reveals are probably just almost-finalized-concept-art.

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