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New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight

Transformers News: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight

Friday, June 2nd, 2017 1:39PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Digital Media News
Posted by: Bounti76   Views: 18,902

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It's a new day, and with The Last Knight's release right around the corner, what does that mean? Another trailer! This tv spot shows some previous scenes with Hot Rod and Sir Edmund Burton, but we also get some brand new footage of the Baby Dinobots! Check it out below, courtesy of YouTube user Brandon Gandiza, and let your fellow Seibertronians know what you think!

Credit(s): Brandon Gandiza YT

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Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886317)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on June 2nd, 2017 @ 1:55pm CDT
I want some mini dinobots as pets.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886340)
Posted by RAR on June 2nd, 2017 @ 3:19pm CDT
I can never tell if Mark Walberg is the most brilliant actor or the worst - is he that folksy and bad on purpose as a persona or is that all he does ever - act like he's been hit on the head with a heavy object ?
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886341)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on June 2nd, 2017 @ 3:21pm CDT
Access Hollywood has posted a pair of new video interviews with Mark Wahlberg and Sir Anthony Hopkins. In the first 2 minute interview, Wahlberg talks about how his kids like the movies, but don't like how much time the filming takes up since they can't see Dad. He also talks about the fun of doing the movie with Bay and Sir Anthony Hopkins, and gives some vague hints that he thinks some of the new bots will really win us over. In the second interview, Hopkins talks about wanting to work with Bay and also talks a bit about his part as an English Lorde obsessed with Transformers. Check out the interviews by following the links above!
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886345)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on June 2nd, 2017 @ 3:33pm CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:I want some mini dinobots as pets.

You and me both. Just maybe don't let them near important stuff
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886412)
Posted by SlyTF1 on June 2nd, 2017 @ 7:53pm CDT
2 new posters of Hotrod and Sir Edmond Burton. ... 48/photo/1

I don't like how Hot Rod's says "rise." I don't like those implications at all.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886432)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on June 2nd, 2017 @ 10:01pm CDT
SlyTF1 wrote:2 new posters of Hotrod and Sir Edmond Burton. ... 48/photo/1

I don't like how Hot Rod's says "rise." I don't like those implications at all.

Me neither :shock:
My main problem with a Rodimus Prime in the films is that logically, if Prime were to pass on the matrix, it would go to Bumblebee, not Hot Rod. The only way Hot Rod would get the matrix is if Bee was out of the way, which is definitely something I don't want. Fortunately, the films are their own thing and don't rely too heavily on the source material, I'd be interested to see a version of Hot Rod that doesn't become Rodimus.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886433)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 2nd, 2017 @ 10:42pm CDT
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:2 new posters of Hotrod and Sir Edmond Burton. ... 48/photo/1

I don't like how Hot Rod's says "rise." I don't like those implications at all.

Me neither :shock:
My main problem with a Rodimus Prime in the films is that logically, if Prime were to pass on the matrix, it would go to Bumblebee, not Hot Rod. The only way Hot Rod would get the matrix is if Bee was out of the way, which is definitely something I don't want. Fortunately, the films are their own thing and don't rely too heavily on the source material, I'd be interested to see a version of Hot Rod that doesn't become Rodimus.
At least it's just "Rise" and not the way-more-on-the-nose "Arise". ;)

But if there's deep enough meaning to it, then I'd be more concerned about the "Sacrifice" written on the other poster. Sure, it pertains to the "old Witwicky motto", but really do wanna see Sir Edmund Burton survive this movie in one piece, rather than be killed off.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886451)
Posted by Va'al on June 3rd, 2017 @ 1:41am CDT
We have some more posters for Transformers: The Last Knight, courtesy of Cinemark over on Twitter, and via fellow Seibertronian SlyTF1 - this time, they feature Sir (ugh) Edmund Burton, aka Anthony Hopkins' character, and Hot Rod. Respectively, the posters show the word SACRIFICE and RISE. Draw your own speculations from that last one in particular, and check them out below!


Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886454)
Posted by Va'al on June 3rd, 2017 @ 1:46am CDT
In other marketing news for Transformers: The Last Knight, their official social media pages have posted another Transformers Resistance Force (TRF) bio - after Santos and Viviane Wembly - now, Colonel William Lennox (Josh Duhamel) takes his turn to remind us what the TRF is in his own clip. Check it out below, and keep an eye on social media during Saturday for some ..intense marketing.

Incoming transmission from Col. Lennox. Spread the word that the TRF is hunting down #Transformers and allies.

Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886461)
Posted by WreckerJack on June 3rd, 2017 @ 2:47am CDT
A new TV spot for Transformers: The Last Knight has been posted on Youtube. It features Josh Duhamel and Essam Ferris having an intense game of ping-pong. Well at least until they get a surprise visitor that is!

Can't wait for the movie to come out? Why not take the edge off with a trailer that has baby dinobots!

Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886471)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on June 3rd, 2017 @ 4:41am CDT
Hey, is this new? Found it after I saw part of it used as the thumbnail for a new ragin nation video.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886472)
Posted by Kurona on June 3rd, 2017 @ 5:37am CDT
My favourite one is this
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886531)
Posted by william-james88 on June 3rd, 2017 @ 11:03am CDT
As you can see, there has started to be an anti-Transformers marketing campaign and Paramount tells us the new military enemy, the Transformers Reaction Force, are behind it. A way to beat them is to seek out the real villains, the Decepticons. Scattered across the internet are 6 Decepticon casefiles with new exclusive images of these Decepticons and we are asking you to find them all and report them back to us. You can find Seibertron's exclusive Decepticon casefile below. It pertains to Nitro Zeus (that's right, Nitro's full name is Nitro Zeus). This, and the 5 other pictures out there will offer us a great look at the Decepticons, which so far have been mostly absent from the Last Knight's marketting campaign, aside from Megatron that is.

Click the image below to zoom in and see all the details in the best image yet of Nitro Zeus. You can also read his casefile which talks of his link to Shockwave. Enjoy!

Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886542)
Posted by william-james88 on June 3rd, 2017 @ 11:25am CDT
Here are all the Decepticons from Transformers The Last Knight rounded up across the internet and where they have been found. Hopefully this means the Anti-Transformers Campaign can come to an end, we shall see. For now, enjoy all these casefiles. This is the best look yet at some of these, especially Mowhawk. it is also interesting that there is both Dreadbot and Berserker but no Hooligan, probably hinting that Hooligan may no longer be the name of any of the Decepticons with dreads in the film. With these six more added to our Nitro Zeus, that makes 7 Decepticons all rounded up.


Nitro Zeus at Seibertron


Dreadbot at TFW2005


Onslaught at Allspark


Megatron at Unicron


Mowhawk at Ben's World of Transformers


Berserker at Tformers


Barricade at TFwiki

Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886552)
Posted by Kurona on June 3rd, 2017 @ 12:01pm CDT

Huh, so Onslaught IS a bit like his G1 self.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886553)
Posted by Va'al on June 3rd, 2017 @ 12:01pm CDT
From Thailand based cinema line Major Cineplex Group and their Facebook page, we have two more poster for Transformers: The Last Knight, featuring more one word summaries of the cast. This time round, it's Bumblebee - Defend, and Cogman - Serve. Check them out below!


Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886555)
Posted by Va'al on June 3rd, 2017 @ 12:06pm CDT
In yet more marketing news from Transformers: The Last Knight, along with the several Decepticon profiles from the various fansites seen here, we also have a new 360° clip from the official Facebook page, featuring the Autobots and Decepticons in peril in various scenes and situations - and asking us, the Earthling viewers, to help them. Check it out below!

It’s our turn to save them. #Transformers

Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886558)
Posted by Va'al on June 3rd, 2017 @ 12:14pm CDT
The Transformers: The Last Knight social media accounts have been taken over, and not in a nice way, by the TRF - Transformers Resistance Force. All accounts are now Transformers No-Go Zones.

Transformers and Humans Cannot Co-Exist on Earth.

Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886561)
Posted by UltraPrimal on June 3rd, 2017 @ 12:19pm CDT
So Megatron is a "Figther" Jet?
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886572)
Posted by Deadput on June 3rd, 2017 @ 12:38pm CDT
So Nitro is some Shockwave fanboy I wonder if that picture is him ranting about his death but wait what?.... BERSERKER IS IN THE FILM!!!
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886576)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on June 3rd, 2017 @ 12:48pm CDT
so all the cons are just reused dead cons with new kibble and mohawk is hideous and stupid looking, dont know why i was expecting anything else this is bayformers after all. Plus im sure they all die 5 minutes after they show up anyway. Decepticons arent allowed to have character development in bayformers after all, unless your megatron then you get a few lines then die.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886580)
Posted by Deadput on June 3rd, 2017 @ 1:00pm CDT
Megatron Wolf wrote:so all the cons are just reused dead cons with new kibble and mohawk is hideous and stupid looking, dont know why i was expecting anything else this is bayformers after all. Plus im sure they all die 5 minutes after they show up anyway. Decepticons arent allowed to have character development in bayformers after all, unless your megatron then you get a few lines then die.

Aren't the seekers and many other characters just clones or reuses of other bodies from all those other continuities?

I mean look at Nitro Zeus picture he at least has some sort of character or line presumably that screen shot is from the movie, each movie has gotten two steps forward and sometimes a step back but each movie improves on a previous movie's flaw.

And there were plenty of Decepticon focused scenes in the original films but their not the good guys or the main characters of the movie which means they will always have less time then the Autobots like they always do in the cartoons and comics.

Movie Laserbeak, Sentinel and Lockdown were great villains as well.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886582)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on June 3rd, 2017 @ 1:04pm CDT
Loving all this stuff. The character posters are very slick too
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886583)
Posted by Deadput on June 3rd, 2017 @ 1:10pm CDT
Shame Hooligan was renamed to "Dreadbot" which I'm a bit eh towards said name but whatever, Berserker's got some neck thing on him probably being restrained for being so crazy, Onslaught seems to be taking a page from movie Optimus lol, Mohawk has some motorcycle punk themes to his design like a "leather" jacket and how his head resembles a helmet, Nitro just screams of being an character so he is already my fave, so Barricade's an assassin...OK since when?
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886586)
Posted by Kurona on June 3rd, 2017 @ 1:25pm CDT
Deadput wrote:Movie Laserbeak, Sentinel and Lockdown were great villains as well.

Not to undermine anything, but... Sentinel and Lockdown were specifically not Decepticons in the movies (Lockdown's symbol in the toyline notwithstanding).

I'm also not sure I remember Laserbeak do anything other than look like a tiny pink bumblebee?
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886588)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on June 3rd, 2017 @ 1:27pm CDT
Kurona wrote:
Deadput wrote:Movie Laserbeak, Sentinel and Lockdown were great villains as well.

Not to undermine anything, but... Sentinel and Lockdown were specifically not Decepticons in the movies (Lockdown's symbol in the toyline notwithstanding).

I'm also not sure I remember Laserbeak do anything other than look like a tiny pink bumblebee?

Laserbeak was cool.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886593)
Posted by Deadput on June 3rd, 2017 @ 1:38pm CDT
Kurona wrote:
Deadput wrote:Movie Laserbeak, Sentinel and Lockdown were great villains as well.

Not to undermine anything, but... Sentinel and Lockdown were specifically not Decepticons in the movies (Lockdown's symbol in the toyline notwithstanding).

I'm also not sure I remember Laserbeak do anything other than look like a tiny pink bumblebee?

They were not Decepticons but they were villains really does being a Decepticon suddenly mean that it's impossible for them to be good villains like the other two?

DOTM Laserbeak was such a creepy, sadistic monster with character he was what I believe the movies were trying to go for with the Decepticons in general but this time actually succeeding in being a good example he also slaughtered a few humans including a family so there's that.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886594)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on June 3rd, 2017 @ 1:44pm CDT
Deadput wrote:DOTM Laserbeak was such a creepy, sadistic monster with character he was what I believe the movies were trying to go for with the Decepticons in general but this time actually succeeding in being a good example he also slaughtered a few humans including a family so there's that.

That family scene made me genuinely creeped out by a Decepticon far more than almost any other Decepticon scenes from any incarnation of Transformers. Having a vicious evil robot creature just easily trick it's way into a family home using the young girl like that then attacking her parents right there.
Which is great cos that's what I like my Decepticons to be. Pure frickin' evil.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886597)
Posted by Va'al on June 3rd, 2017 @ 1:46pm CDT
We have some news for Australian fans who are planning to go see Transformers: The Last Knight - and might be lucky enough to catch an earlier public screening than the rest of the world, bar the London première on 18th June. According to the site for Event Cinemas Australia, eight of their Brisbane locations will be showing the movie at 6.15 pm in Vmax, on Tuesday June 20th!

As Ozformers admin griffin writes over of TFW, this would mean that Brisbane audiences would be the first in the world to publicly access the movie, due to timezone magic! The cinemas are as follows:

Browns Plains – 6:15 PM Vmax
Chermside – 6:15 PM Vmax
Garden City Mt Gravatt – 6:15 PM Vmax
Indooroopilly – 6:15 PM Vmax
Loganholme – 6:15 PM Vmax
North Lakes – 6:15 PM Vmax Dolby ATMOS
Springfield – 6:15 PM Vmax Dolby ATMOS
Brisbane City Myer Centre – 9:30 PM Vmax
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886598)
Posted by Deadput on June 3rd, 2017 @ 1:47pm CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:That family scene made me genuinely creeped out by a Decepticon far more than almost any other Decepticon scenes from any incarnation of Transformers. Having a vicious evil robot creature just easily trick it's way into a family home using the young girl like that then attacking her parents right there.
Which is great cos that's what I like my Decepticons to be. Pure frickin' evil.

It's part of what makes DOTM my fave of the Transformers movies thus far although I can already tell TLK will surpass it since Knights are a fave in my family and it genuinely looks to be trying to be good like besides the first movie maybe did the others ones ever release anything about the Decepticons like this?
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886622)
Posted by Autobot N on June 3rd, 2017 @ 3:34pm CDT
Kind of sad that my favorite new :CON: (Nitro) is definitely probably going to get killed by my favorite new :BOT: (Cogman).

Also, I hope someone shoots Berserker. That thing needs to die, preferably quickly.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886630)
Posted by Stuartmaximus on June 3rd, 2017 @ 4:06pm CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:
Deadput wrote:DOTM Laserbeak was such a creepy, sadistic monster with character he was what I believe the movies were trying to go for with the Decepticons in general but this time actually succeeding in being a good example he also slaughtered a few humans including a family so there's that.

That family scene made me genuinely creeped out by a Decepticon far more than almost any other Decepticon scenes from any incarnation of Transformers. Having a vicious evil robot creature just easily trick it's way into a family home using the young girl like that then attacking her parents right there.
Which is great cos that's what I like my Decepticons to be. Pure frickin' evil.

Aye but we never got that pink Bumblebee as a toy :(
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886636)
Posted by Deadput on June 3rd, 2017 @ 4:15pm CDT
Stuartmaximus wrote:Aye but we never got that pink Bumblebee as a toy :(

"Yes kids get your parents to buy this figure representing the scene where Laserbeak killed an entire family in this child friendly figure that will most definitely not try to kill you in your sleep."
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886644)
Posted by Stuartmaximus on June 3rd, 2017 @ 4:24pm CDT
Deadput wrote:
Stuartmaximus wrote:Aye but we never got that pink Bumblebee as a toy :(

"Yes kids get your parents to buy this figure representing the scene where Laserbeak killed an entire family in this child friendly figure that will most definitely not try to kill you in your sleep."

Yeah & to add to that...don't buy toys of Optimus Prime who also killed too! or toys of Anakin Skywalker who also killed kids! somehow i don't think that would stop people buying those ;)
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886651)
Posted by Kotori_Sonoda on June 3rd, 2017 @ 4:38pm CDT
Deadput wrote:
DOTM Laserbeak was such a creepy, sadistic monster with character he was what I believe the movies were trying to go for with the Decepticons in general but this time actually succeeding in being a good example he also slaughtered a few humans including a family so there's that.

Laserbeak is walking nightmare fuel. The fact that he can turn into almost anything, is merciless..

That said, happy that we finally get confirmation on Berserker being in the movie!
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886654)
Posted by Burn on June 3rd, 2017 @ 4:51pm CDT
Kurona wrote:My favourite one is this

My favourite one is where people don't post pictures with profanity to bypass the swear filter.

You're staff. Do better.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886665)
Posted by TFmonkeybiz on June 3rd, 2017 @ 5:19pm CDT
Sadly most of these guys will probably have little to no character and be dead by the end of the movie.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886673)
Posted by Deadput on June 3rd, 2017 @ 6:13pm CDT
TFmonkeybiz wrote:Sadly most of these guys will probably have little to no character and be dead by the end of the movie.

Well their not main characters but from these pictures and profiles they have basic personalities which is honestly the most realistic thing we can expect from Decepticons from any Transformer movie ever and is honestly how most Decepticons have ever been outside of comics.

But look at Nitro that pose does show that he at least does some talking and stuff.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886742)
Posted by Va'al on June 4th, 2017 @ 3:58am CDT
It's a day ending in -Y, so it's time for another trailer, or rather extended TV spot, for Transformers: The Last Knight - the fifth live-action movie from Paramount and Michael Bay. This time, though, also featuring some new footage (like TIE Bombers? and coins and medals galore), and courtesy of YouTube user lászlo vén! Check it out below, and join the discussion in the Energon Pub!

Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886776)
Posted by SlyTF1 on June 4th, 2017 @ 8:25am CDT
They finally showed the shot of Bumblebee and Hotrod shooting up the Nazi camp. That was one of my favorite shots from the IMAX fan event.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886859)
Posted by partholon on June 4th, 2017 @ 2:33pm CDT
ya see ?

THAT looks great.

then you remember how these "characters" are going to be portrayed from every OTHER trailer theyve shown.

fecking BAY.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886869)
Posted by User897 on June 4th, 2017 @ 2:59pm CDT
Man, I want the music from this new extended TV spot. Anyone have it yet?
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886914)
Posted by Prime Target on June 4th, 2017 @ 6:35pm CDT
Dreadbot is that the best you can do MB :BANG_HEAD: for real :BANG_HEAD:
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886923)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 4th, 2017 @ 8:27pm CDT
Prime Target wrote:Dreadbot is that the best you can do MB :BANG_HEAD: for real :BANG_HEAD:
Who says he named it?
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886930)
Posted by Deadput on June 4th, 2017 @ 9:12pm CDT
Prime Target wrote:Dreadbot is that the best you can do MB :BANG_HEAD: for real :BANG_HEAD:

Bay doesn't make their names most of the time that's why people should really start thinking how much involvement Bay actually has and how not everything is his fault.

Plus G1 had many stupid names even the beloved characters and Transformers will continue to have them.

Do people actually think names like Starscream, Sideswipe and Jetfire are good "names"?

Also I've always thought the faction name Decepticon was dumb but that's my opinion.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886974)
Posted by Deadput on June 5th, 2017 @ 1:20am CDT
Some new spot came on recently with extended shots of Mini Dinobots and Bee shooting Barricade in alt mode.

The quality is low for now.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886993)
Posted by ToaLeePrime on June 5th, 2017 @ 5:53am CDT Steve Jablonsky has put up another movie trailer track on his channel
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1886995)
Posted by Va'al on June 5th, 2017 @ 6:12am CDT
Fellow Seibertronian ToaLeePrime has sent us a notification about a new track by music composer Steve Jablonsky, from the score of the upcoming Transformers: The Last Knight live-action movie! This is now the third track from the score, with the previous two found here and here. Give it a listen below, and let us know what you think!

Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1887000)
Posted by griftimus prime on June 5th, 2017 @ 6:53am CDT
release the soundtrack on cd steve.
Re: New Baby Dinobots Ad for Transformers: The Last Knight (1887068)
Posted by SlyTF1 on June 5th, 2017 @ 1:18pm CDT
Another IMAX poster. Though there isn't much new about it, aside from Dragonstorm.

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