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Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots"

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots"

Sunday, December 3rd, 2017 3:54PM CST

Categories: Site News, Digital Media News, Podcast
Posted by: ScottyP   Views: 57,083

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Welcome to the latest episode of the Twincast / Podcast! This episode features your host ScottyP with Megatronus, RodimusConvoy13, and xRotorstormx. Listen in as we discuss the latest news, toys, and more.

Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots" is available directly and in our RSS Feed, and should appear on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher Radio within 24 to 48 hours of when you see this news post.

The cast has obtained select Power of the Primes deluxe class and legends class figures, and we're ready to share our thoughts. Each of the deluxe class figures has their allure, but Dreadwind and Swoop appear to be the consensus favorites. On the legends side, Beachcomber is groovy, and Windcharger is still... questionable. But at the end of the day, we're still asking the million dollar question: who asked for combining Dinobots?

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots"
Not just a redeco.

We sidebar for a short discussion on the surprisingly good deluxe Power of the Primes Jazz - that car mode is fantastic - and the even more surprising Cybertronian-coded MAGA tampo on his side. The crew does its level best to explain the situation, from the context on why this particular acronym might be offensive to many, our personal disappointment in the sullying of this minority-voiced character, to the shortcomings in Hasbro's official response.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots"
It's no joke.

Onto equally wacky but more upbeat topics, we've got wind of the upcoming Street Fighter II crossover, featuring Titans Returns Optimus Prime, Megatron, and Hot Rod as Ryu, M. Bison, and Ken, as well as Generations IDW Arcee as Chunli. These are some difficult repaints to justify a secondary purchase, but we're sure there are fans out there who are just as excited as we are intrigued.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots"
All hail MEGS Bison!

Speaking of redecos, MP12+ Lambor (AKA Sideswipe) has started shipping out to those fans looking for a G1/anime-accurate color scheme. ScottyP walks us through the differences, including the varying shades of white and the MP14 face sculpt used for this release. Although the crew predicts only dedicated MP collectors will make the jump for this release, we hope for more MP+ announcements, particularly an MP10+ and perhaps even a whole new Optimus Prime 3.0.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots"
He's got white booties!!!

We quickly move to another piece of Masterpiece news - the full reveal of MP Dinobot. Select alt-mode weaknesses aside, this figure already appears to be a landmark feat of engineering, and the Generations crossover display possibilities have us chomping at the golden disk. Dinobot's high price point, however, leads us to speculate on the body-blow a potential Beast Wars Megatron has in store for our wallets..

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots"
Money shot.

Masterpiece news isn't over yet, folks - we've still got Movie Masterpiece Barricade on the docket, and his full reveal has got us in a tizzy. It's amazing what one forgets over 10 years, and so the crew parses over specific design cues, and their accuracy - including the face sculpt, claws, and the conspicuous lack of Frenzy. Either way, we highly anticipate some racy interrogations of LadiesMan217 ahead.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots"
Mischief, managed.

ScottyP provides some thoughts on the RID15 cartoon conclusion, and then we jump right into Optimus Prime #13 - official review here. Though this issue starts a slow but welcome consolidation of open threads, questions remain. How is Onyx Prime influencing events? When are they going to finally elaborate on Bludgeon's Unicron connection? Will the reemergence of the Dinobots lead us back to Grimlock? Most importantly... could Prowl be any more badass?

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots"
Oh, those Dinobots - always getting into trouble.

Bragging Rights for the holidays: what's on our holiday wish lists, and what did we score on Black Friday?

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots"
We gotta have it.

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Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots" (1924870)
Posted by Flashwave on December 3rd, 2017 @ 8:01pm CST
Oh Boy! A Twincast Podcast Extra Special Double Feature! Whoo-hoot! And just in time as I have far too much crap to unpack after moving to do without some stimulating Transformers Conversation. (but on the bright side, I finally have display space!
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots" (1924885)
Posted by Flashwave on December 3rd, 2017 @ 9:41pm CST
Okay guys, what in the flying heck? What did you guys put it in his drink???

My magic crystal 8 Ball says the Slash Repaint is Cindersaur *Cough*Leaked*Cough*

Rust Dust/Groove peg in like a dozen places. There is a Peg on Victorion's Navel that goes into a hole on the back of RD's hip piece. The two pegs on the inside of the forearms there are peg into the sides of Victorion's center chest beam. I have never had a problem with that Mold slipping off

I really like Dreadwind. The Wing assembly really does a good job distinguishing him from the CW Jets, and the bigger wings better compliment the jet body

No problems with my Swoop's legs/Beast Back. But yes, my Swoop has a problem with the flopping dinosaur hood.

Scotty: Are you pegging Swoop's Legs into the back of his Dino Wings? The wings has to be swiveled slightly to get everything aligned,

What do you not like about Slag? Is it just the whole scale thing?

I like that Slag uses his Dino's rear legs to actually pivot the Heel support instead of having to dig it out of his leg.

I disagree a bit, Power of the Primes is already a very busy gimmick line, although it wouldn't have taken much effort to put the leg notch onto he Dinobot's backs.

And again, I don't like Titan Wars because "Where does the Head go? Oh, we take it off." Boo! That's cheap (too me) And I have played with almost none of the Head dudes separately. I have played more with the accessory vehicles like Shuffler than the Heads that came with them.

The other thing I like about Dreadwind is the excitement of getting Darkwing. Yes, he's a Combiner and has the Combiner peg, but he also has this OTHER Combiner gimmick going too that is not overly hindered.

I have this fear that With everyone buying out of the back that when we get to the actual "Streetdate" there won't be any/many. Everyone says "Oh but they over order the first wave" but we keep harvesting the crop before they crop.

I have been saving my Collector Cards, I wonder if there's going to be a market for just the cards at $2-$3 a piece? Do I jump on that now or down the road? Cause I don't really have a use for these.


I want this: Image But we'll probably get a Sideswipe.

There was a video posted in the Jazz thread that "Maga" was an accidental script name from a G1 episode. Was that disproved? Regardless, even if the that was the intended homage, the timing is tasteless in that it ended up referencing this other thing.

Here's where the issue with the Street Fighter figures taking up toy line space comes from. The Street Fighter Figures will take up time on a Production Schedule. Now, I don't know how long it makes to take a toy run of Transformers, but in Model Trains that's a good part of a Month that could be producing something else and getting it to street sooner.

Isn't Optimal Optimus a Truck Munky?

CYB Downshift could be an AWESOME Bandit 1. ... lemode.jpg

----Lots of conversation that really isn't my niche of the fandom-----

Optimus Prime #13:

I was disappointed slightly, when I read the previews I got excited because we got these Throttlebots, these no name characters, and they looked like they were going to get a good story. I should have known not to expect a whole Throttlebots story because this is the "Optimus Prime" storyline, but I was really expecting a major B story for the Throttlebots and this felt like a C story, or just setup fodder for later, not really a Throttlebots story.

Not that it was bad, but I wanted more than we got.

Wait... Fort Max went to Big Lots for FORTY DOLLARS and I MISSED IT????!!!!

One thing that you guys didn't mention about Amazon:

Amazon hosts a lot of individual sellers, and when they do, all those items are listed with the Amazon listing first, and then the others by who is the cheapest. Amazon, who can buy in Bulk, can buy a lot of an item for less than I could. When they want to burn through stale product, they can cut that price down to wholesale. So like Six Shot, they can sell him for $23. When he goes out, the database automatically pulls up the next cheapest non-amazon listing. You see the price go up, but in reality its a whole different item.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots" (1924928)
Posted by xRotorstormx on December 4th, 2017 @ 7:24am CST
Flashwave wrote:

I want this: Image But we'll probably get a Sideswipe.

It would be awesome to see the Spychangers updated! That is one subset of characters that we've gotten nothing from since they first came out.

Now that I think of it... I really want Ironhide redone using the Kup mold
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots" (1924932)
Posted by ScottyP on December 4th, 2017 @ 8:05am CST
Flashwave wrote:Scotty: Are you pegging Swoop's Legs into the back of his Dino Wings? The wings has to be swiveled slightly to get everything aligned,
Yeah, noted and tried :) Same problems, but the more I mention the issues on Swoop, the more I think the one I opened up is just an isolated case. Might crack open the spare after all and see how it is.

Flashwave wrote:What do you not like about Slag? Is it just the whole scale thing?
Keep in mind that, as mentioned, I'm spoiled by the Fans Toys/Planet X/Iron Factory versions in their awesomeness. This has a big influence on me seeing this Slag as something that's just less than ideal and I'll freely admit to it. But even considering that, I look at something like the DX9 Legends scaled version and that looks great. It's the combination of size, no back wings, and what I can only describe as "off" proportions in bot mode doing it no favors.

Flashwave wrote:I have this fear that With everyone buying out of the back that when we get to the actual "Streetdate" there won't be any/many. Everyone says "Oh but they over order the first wave" but we keep harvesting the crop before they crop.
That's on Target imo, not collectors. Street dates and chains' internal "hold for reset" dates are hugely different animals. Both are boring, but I can elaborate further if desired.

Flashwave wrote:I have been saving my Collector Cards, I wonder if there's going to be a market for just the cards at $2-$3 a piece? Do I jump on that now or down the road? Cause I don't really have a use for these.
I can say that older cards have a pricey market when sold in lots. Many Armada/Energon/etc cards I've needed came with many that were dupes and the bidding got much higher than anticipated. I'm sure for the new PotP ones there will eventually be some demand, possibly more now than later with a few keepong the dream alive they could collect all of every card's variants.

Flashwave wrote:I want this: Image
Thirded. This would be magnificent!

Flashwave wrote:There was a video posted in the Jazz thread that "Maga" was an accidental script name from a G1 episode. Was that disproved?
There's an entire subreddit for those kinds of posts. Yes, there are occasional obscure references on things but a messed up script name? That reeks of the unhealthy kind of skepticism that climate change deniers/flat earthers/etc went crazy from.

Flashwave wrote:Here's where the issue with the Street Fighter figures taking up toy line space comes from.
Eh, for factories if the scale used by Hasbro and Takara Tomy for production, I think this has a very minimal impact. If the SF x TF figures weren't around, some other craxy exclusive likely would be. Only Hasbro seems to have any kind of limited space caste system like this and even then it only impacts the main line, not exclusives.

Flashwave wrote:Wait... Fort Max went to Big Lots for FORTY DOLLARS and I MISSED IT????!!!!
Ollie's, and they went fast. Once the news was out they were sold out in hours.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots" (1924976)
Posted by Ironhidensh on December 4th, 2017 @ 12:43pm CST
Listening to the Jazz section now, gotta say, I think you guys are handling it well and respectful, and I say that as a conservative (but not a republican). It's nice to see that in today's climate of political "heat" if you will. I may have more thoughts later, gotta finish this 'cast first.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots" (1924977)
Posted by megatronus on December 4th, 2017 @ 12:46pm CST
Ironhidensh wrote:Listening to the Jazz section now, gotta say, I think you guys are handling it well and respectful, and I say that as a conservative (but not a republican). It's nice to see that in today's climate of political "heat" if you will. I may have more thoughts later, gotta finish this 'cast first.

Thanks! My uneasy stammering in this section is my stab at polite discourse. ;)
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots" (1925056)
Posted by ScottyP on December 4th, 2017 @ 6:05pm CST
Ironhidensh wrote:Listening to the Jazz section now, gotta say, I think you guys are handling it well and respectful, and I say that as a conservative (but not a republican). It's nice to see that in today's climate of political "heat" if you will. I may have more thoughts later, gotta finish this 'cast first.
Much appreciated! That was the goal. I miss the days when politics only meant "minor disagreements on how to best serve the public with plenty of room for compromise".
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots" (1925354)
Posted by megatronus on December 5th, 2017 @ 11:11pm CST
Scotty - something I forgot to ask on the pod: does MP12+ Sideswipe hold his gun any better than the original release?
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #189 "S.O.S. Dinobots" (1925389)
Posted by ScottyP on December 6th, 2017 @ 8:57am CST
megatronus wrote:Scotty - something I forgot to ask on the pod: does MP12+ Sideswipe hold his gun any better than the original release?
Pretty much the same. No problems whatsoever, just as long as you don't try to fold the fingers all the way in.

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