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Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017"

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017"

Monday, October 16th, 2017 4:47PM CDT

Categories: Site News, Digital Media News, Podcast
Posted by: ScottyP   Views: 68,796

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Welcome to the latest episode of the Twincast / Podcast! This episode features your host ScottyP with xRotorstormx, Megatronus, and special guest Mr. Starscream. Listen in as we discuss the latest news, toys, and more.

Episode #186 "NYCC 2017" is available directly and in our RSS Feed, and should appear on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher Radio within 24 to 48 hours of when you see this news post.

NYCC 2017 was a momentous convention for many reasons - and has you covered with our official photo galleries of the reveals. Make sure to share your hopes, thoughts, and highlights in the comments below.

Before jumping into NYCC proper, the Twincast crew must discuss news from across the Pacific: Takara's reveal of LGEX Grand Maximus and Greatshot, plus official images. These Transformers Victory characters have not yet seen a Generations-style update, and the Twincast is not only awed, but excited for things to come. We discuss the logistics of ordering these expensive imports, and the risks that come with Takara Tomy Mall's order minimums.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017"
There's a lot I don't understand here.

Takara also recently revealed the Encore release of God Fire Convoy. In addition to pouring over images upon images of this highly anticipated figure, some of us take an affectionate trip down RID memory lane, only to be rudely awakened by this reissue's obscene $265 price point. While we drool over the reissue's wonderful purple master sword, you can check out Seibertron's galleries of the original toy here.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017"
Resistance is futile. Except oh wait, he's expensive.

Hasbro came to NYCC prepared with some surprises: during their brand panel, which was livestreamed on Twitch, the Hasbro Brand Team revealed the NYCC 2017 exclusive Titans Return Grotusque. This Monsterbot was available briefly on Hasbro Toy Shop, and is now unavailable. We speak to our opinions on the execution of the reveal, experiences acquiring the figure, and thoughts on the figure itself. Want more? Check out Seibertron's official images, here, and our very own pictorial review, here.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017"
Release the beast! Monster. Whatever. He's cool, OK?

NYCC also yielded a glimpse of the speculated Titan Predaking's wings, with Seibertron's detailed galleries, here. Plus, we got our first look at the complete Combiner Wars-style Terrorcons team, galleries here, with full color mockups of each monstrous figure. As the crew speculates on which Terrocon is a retool of which Dinobot - some are more obvious than others - we look forward to the possibilities these beasts open for the future *cough* Piranacon *cough* Monstructor *cough*.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017"
Sinner-Snarl has a nice ring to it.

There are a few reveals the crew is less pleased about. The upcoming Power of the Primes Windcharger is lacking in the frontal lobe - and do we need a third Windcharger after suitable RTS/United and Combiner Wars versions? That Power of the Primes Rodimus Unicronus is a thing of beauty, but did Shattered Glass (the Transformers Club originated mirror universe where Autobots are evil and Decepticons are good) and Unicron really have to be a part of it? Finally, Volcanicus in color is, in short, underwhelming. While our critiques are withering, we hope to thaw our icy feelings by the time these figures hit retail.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017"
"I have the greatest mustache this side of Unicron."

Now it's time for a listener question - or rather, questions. First, Ironhidesh ask a rather simple question: "How do you fight burn out?" We provide our advice, largely centered around, well, finding your center. Next, WilliamJames88 asks a two pronged question about how online buyers cope with new figures stuck in cases with older releases, and how retail buyers work around today's spotty distribution. Again, we're ready to provide our strategies.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017"
Three heads, but only one per case.

One last question comes from SW's SilverHammer: "are there any Vehicles/alt modes that you'd like see that haven't been used, or are uncommon in the fiction/toyline?" SW's SilverHammer prefers classic cars and biplane-type Transformers. The Twincast crew couldn't agree more, but we also have our own answers, which allows to seque into a brief bragging rights involving another rarely seen alt-mode: trains.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017"
Ospreys are awesome!

But wait - ScottyP and Counterpunch made their way to TFcon in Washington DC from September 29th though October 1st, and had the opportunity to participate in that fan convention's podcast panel. Listen in as representatives from our very own Twincast Podcast engage other Transformers podcasters, discuss their experiences, and promote our very special community here at On these panels, you'll also hear representatives from WTF @ TFW, Radio Free Cybertron, TransMissions, and even Preorder 66. Our thanks again to the organizers of TFcon for inviting us to participate!

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017"
Worlds Collide!

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Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017" (1917046)
Posted by Flashwave on October 17th, 2017 @ 1:20am CDT
Doing this while running errands at midnight, so I fully expect I'm going to have to do this in multiple posts. First of all, Pizza robots are a bad idea.... They put me out of a job ;-) and if you don't think you're going to get burned on a pizza robot well I got about 25 marks on my arms to show you why you shouldn't touch a flaming hot metal box. ;-)

In the discussion of God fire Convoy, our ideas what got me into Transformers, but my first experiences with those two molds was Universe Optimus Prime and a fairly intact ride Ultra Magnus. I have to agree with your assessment that those are both incredible toys, and not as fond as we remember them. Part of the impressiveness to them I think is how realistic Prime is and how interactive the vehicles are. By that, I mean both of them have almost as much play value as something you might get from Mattel or Tonka. The fire truck ladder moves Ultra Magnus is autorack section Works fairly close to a realistic trailer give or take the compression needed for the toy. Both of them are big and imposing leaders, Ultra Magnus has a neat leg transformation, hampered only by a pair of very tiny feet and a very large backpack. Prime was a neat figure because you could outfit him in any one of a dozen ways. Be that either large gloves or the shoulder pad rocket launchers, or the full on super mode. But by that same token, it also made him a parts former, and something of a bit fiddly to actually transform, because everything had to be taken apart and assembled. Honestly though, I would love to see a Generations take on the ride Ultra Magnus. The G1 Magnus trailer is cool, but it really doesn't look like anything. the ride Magnus trailer looks like something, but can't literally stand up to the G1 trailer

Ari(?): when you look at how Grotusque is painted you have to remember what parts are molded together. Twinferno's guns were black, so they were probably molded with other parts. Maybe Grotusque's maroon guns are just parts molded with something and they gad to paint them for accuracy

Annndddd.... Scotty says that after I typed it.

Legally, Hasbro has to be keeping some kind of finger on the pulse of 3P. Are they watching what the toys are doing? Probably not, but I am sure they are at least cognisant of "Gee, lot of people looking for combiners. Hmm..."

SG Rodimus:
I agree that this muddies the Club's story. I am, sa fan of SG glad to see Hasbro recognize it as a thing, but I am not sure this is needed. I mught get it cause its purty, but I sold my SG stuff so I don't know what I would do it. And admittedly, as a fan, i geel like I can dafely agree that "SG was fun, lets not overplay it anymore." everyone has done a Mirrorverse now, hell even Voltron did it.

First off, i should say that I have no attachment to Pretenders. I was not alive for them. For those of you who wanted these, I am glad you've got them.

Modernizing these would be easy. All youbhaf to do was design the torso to accept the Titan Master head up in its balled up mode. Hasbro already knows how, they did it for TR Repugnus. Doing so would, at a minimum, free up the hips for a cross bar like TR Repugnus has, if not two independent legs. Knees would not be hard to add if yhey wanted to spend the extra cost, nand then these Pretenders could still turn into their gun modes theyvnow have, but instead of their legs just sorta sticking out they can themselves ball up Universe Nightstick style. Leave the back somewahtbopen so the TitanMaster's Matrix face is visible like an engine block. I would be more excited for these if they weren't poseless bricks with arms. The guns themselves look cool, but I have no attachment for the Titanmasters, the Matrix things dont really look like Matrixes to me anf the biggest part of the toy is a poseless brick with arms. So I am taking a hard pass on the entire Pretender set.

Its interesting you mentioned RID figures. I have become very particular about what RID figures I buy because I sorta know what figures I will actually use. Case in point: I couldnt wait to get StormShot. Now that I have him, have transformed him twice. Steeljaw? Loved the figure. Now that Ibhave him, he doesnt fit the toy asthetic I have going. I got Paralon because he's not just a RID guy and I can pair him with Targetmaster Waspinator, but he's the only RID con I have really done anything with. I keep looking at RID Sandstorm, er Scorpon9k, but I dont want to diminish Paralon, hichbis what I did with the TR Triple Changers.

Burn wrote a good article, and you guys touched the premise tonight aboutbhow exciting Grotusque was because he was a surprise. We don't hunt thr new toys, we click "buy" and wait. There is no Thrill of the Chase. Tonight, i found a (beat up box) Overlord in Walmart. I got excited, picked him up...

...and put him on a shelf because I have an Overlord in my PoL at BBTS. I would have loved to have canceled my BBTS Overlord and just bought that one, the one I found, beat up box and all. But I am not going to deal with trying to flip the nicer boxed one. I remember thebyounger days, when it sucked checking 14 places for something new and being dejected 14 times, but is this instant gratification worth it? Especially when in my case it asnt even instant?

One thing that drives my collection is my head canon. I buy these figures because I need them for a story, or i make a hole in a story for them. I wish I could make myself write these down, but for now its an audience of... How many Voices are in my head now? ;)

Panic selling came up and that kinda hit home for me. I currwntly still live at home, and most of my collection, what figures arent relative to my head canon or ccurrent tv shows sit in a storage unit. But now that I am gearingbup for finding an apartmentbof my own and (mostly) ready to commit to getting on my own, i have looked at these totoes of toys and said "Do I really wanna have tonkove with all this? As I go through them, I have picked outna few to set aside that yes, i did want. Tf1 Dropkick was a surprise for me, as I was transforming him for EBAY I said "No, I want this." but I have a fair amount from 2001RID forward thatbI havent gotten out in some time and even when I do get an apartment, I'm not sure these are figures that I am still attached to.

With Toy Distribution, i used to know approximately how long it would take from the time toys were spotted to when I would see them in Indiana. Doesnt work anymore. My stores are still sitting on W1 crap. Chromedome.

Trains AND Ospreys? Was I on this Podcast? I am totally in agreeance.

Saturday Podcast Panel
I am getting a lot of reverb on my headset do I couldnt hear all of it. Whats the FansToys joke about? Blood feuds and portals to netherworlds?
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017" (1917190)
Posted by jamesbenjamin on October 17th, 2017 @ 6:51pm CDT
Quick question:

Someone mentioned on this weeks show other versions of Black Hot Rod and said there was a G1 toy version. I'm only aware of the MP, the Takara Animated one, and this upcoming one. Can anyone point me to the G1 black rodimus on TFwiki or the gallery here?
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017" (1917205)
Posted by Flashwave on October 17th, 2017 @ 9:08pm CDT
jamesbenjamin wrote:Quick question:

Someone mentioned on this weeks show other versions of Black Hot Rod and said there was a G1 toy version. I'm only aware of the MP, the Takara Animated one, and this upcoming one. Can anyone point me to the G1 black rodimus on TFwiki or the gallery here?

Ask and he shall recieve
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017" (1917257)
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on October 18th, 2017 @ 8:38am CDT
Haven't finished the episode yet, but I wanted to comment on something ScottyP said about people not Transformer Grotusque correctly in beast mode. I've also seen pictures where the beast hips aren't tabbed in at all. And I've seen comments, even recently, about Twinferno's crappy Beast hips. You've got to lock in those ankle/hip parts when transformer either of these guys into beast mode. It's tough to get them to tab, but you'll much happier once you do.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017" (1917273)
Posted by Flashwave on October 18th, 2017 @ 9:26am CDT
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:Haven't finished the episode yet, but I wanted to comment on something ScottyP said about people not Transformer Grotusque correctly in beast mode. I've also seen pictures where the beast hips aren't tabbed in at all. And I've seen comments, even recently, about Twinferno's crappy Beast hips. You've got to lock in those ankle/hip parts when transformer either of these guys into beast mode. It's tough to get them to tab, but you'll much happier once you do.

You know whzt it was for me? I kept looking for the side tooth to slot into the gaps in the plastic for h.that hip diaper. It wasnt until I got Grotusque and felt the subtle pop of the tab facing up that I discovered the smaller horizontal sirface tab that holds the diaper in place on Twinferno, albeit much less well than Grtusqur. I still gotta figure out what is going 9n with TW's tail that is keeping both halves connecting. It s like one side is wider than his thigh gap so it interferes and the tails dont meet flush
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017" (1917274)
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on October 18th, 2017 @ 9:29am CDT
Flashwave wrote:
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:Haven't finished the episode yet, but I wanted to comment on something ScottyP said about people not Transformer Grotusque correctly in beast mode. I've also seen pictures where the beast hips aren't tabbed in at all. And I've seen comments, even recently, about Twinferno's crappy Beast hips. You've got to lock in those ankle/hip parts when transformer either of these guys into beast mode. It's tough to get them to tab, but you'll much happier once you do.

You know whzt it was for me? I kept looking for the side tooth to slot into the gaps in the plastic for h.that hip diaper. It wasnt until I got Grotusque and felt the subtle pop of the tab facing up that I discovered the smaller horizontal sirface tab that holds the diaper in place on Twinferno, albeit much less well than Grtusqur. I still gotta figure out what is going 9n with TW's tail that is keeping both halves connecting. It s like one side is wider than his thigh gap so it interferes and the tails dont meet flush

I found with Twinferno and his tail that it just took a little messing around with the thicker section of the tail in Beast mode and then the tip of the tail stays together. You just have to move it a bit and massage it. It will stay.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017" (1917294)
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on October 18th, 2017 @ 10:46am CDT
Also, Scotty, I was the one who made the Sly Rax comparison. :-D
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017" (1917495)
Posted by jamesbenjamin on October 19th, 2017 @ 7:30am CDT
Flashwave wrote:
jamesbenjamin wrote:Quick question:

Someone mentioned on this weeks show other versions of Black Hot Rod and said there was a G1 toy version. I'm only aware of the MP, the Takara Animated one, and this upcoming one. Can anyone point me to the G1 black rodimus on TFwiki or the gallery here?

Ask and he shall recieve

Holy crap! This thing looks awesome!

Limited to 1500 pieces and packaged in a monochrome black version of Hot Rod's normal packaging, Black Rodimus was only available with the joint purchase of the "Crystal Rodimus" version of Hot Rod.

And now I see how I never knew about it, and am immediately saddened that I'll never own one. =(
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #186 "NYCC 2017" (1917982)
Posted by ScottyP on October 23rd, 2017 @ 7:59am CDT
Flashwave wrote:we click "buy" and wait. There is no Thrill of the Chase. Tonight, i found a (beat up box) Overlord in Walmart. I got excited, picked him up...

...and put him on a shelf because I have an Overlord in my PoL at BBTS. I would have loved to have canceled my BBTS Overlord and just bought that one, the one I found, beat up box and all. But I am not going to deal with trying to flip the nicer boxed one. I remember thebyounger days, when it sucked checking 14 places for something new and being dejected 14 times, but is this instant gratification worth it? Especially when in my case it asnt even instant?

Saturday Podcast Panel
I am getting a lot of reverb on my headset do I couldnt hear all of it. Whats the FansToys joke about? Blood feuds and portals to netherworlds?
On hunting, I think a great deal of it also has to do with your station in life. When I was younger and single, driving around to a dozen places just to track down the first Concept Camaro Deluxe Bumblebee or Cybertron Evac was a fun way to spend an afternoon that would have otherwise gone to waste in some other way. Now? Hahahahaha adult responsibilities suck but the rewards are worth it, and I can just wait a little more and have the mailman drop stuff off. The thrill of finding stuff on a shelf has been replaced with the thrill of peacefully cutting open a shipping box while making after work tea and unwinding for the day.

The panel audio was a challenge to edit and level, and most of my spot checks of it were ok but that said, if there's a particular place you and others are noticing that sounds really off, lmk an approximate time mark. No promises we can make it better, but worth a shot if there's a stretch that's inaudible or painful might be good to patch it up.

RodimusConvoy13 wrote:You just have to move it a bit and massage it. It will stay.
I had to clean up mold flash on the pegs before they would stay put. They were kind of a mess on Grotusque, didn't have that issue with Doublecross. Ymmv, of course!

jamesbenjamin wrote:And now I see how I never knew about it, and am immediately saddened that I'll never own one. =(
Like most of the odd and/or specially colored G1 reissue pieces of that era, patience is king. If you hurry up and wait, that can be had for $60-$80. Might be three years before you see it for that much but it's very possible!

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